I do precisely that in all my apps. I place a small text file (I call it 
knet.ini, so smart ass users won't touch it) that contains the path and other 
variables that are then read by the main program, using  execscript. See the 
following example:


close databases
close tables all
clear memory


set path to ( _screen.cPath )
set default to ( _screen.cDefault )

Set Classlib to controles.vcx additive
set classlib to formularios.vcx additive
set classlib to especial.vcx additive
set classlib to _base.vcx additive
set classlib to _datetime.vcx additive

(some more statements in here)

application.visible = .f.
on shutdown do getout

Do form principal name oPrincipal linked        && showwindow = 2 (top level 
read events
On Shutdown



public cServer,cLocald,cPath,cDefault

with _screen

EXECSCRIPT( FILETOSTR( FULLPATH( "knet.ini" ) ) )  && reads every line in the 
KNET.INI file, one by one


.fontname = 'foxfont'

release cServer,cLocald,cPath,cDefault


**KNET.INI file (this contains all the properties read by the main program)

cPath        = 
cDefault     = "c:\yourapp"
cServer       = "c:\yourapp\tables"
cLocald       = "c:\yourapp\temp"

In the setscreen procedure I declare all variables to be read from KNET.INI 
file as public, so they are briefly in scope for the EXECSCRIPT function to 
work properly and then I release them, because they are not needed. Instead, 
those variables are made properties of the _screen object, which is the only 
"public" object, available to all forms and functions in the application.

The knet.ini file can easyly be changed using the notepad, as you want. If you 
have inquisitive smart ass users that will touch everything and screw up things 
in the process, you can complicate things for them a little bit, by using a 
KNET.DBF file instead, containing one memo field and one record. In there you 
put everything you find in the KNET.INI file (donĀ“t forget the carriage return 
at the end of each line)

You can then substitute the one line with the execscript function above with 
these ones:

Use c:\yourapp\knet.dbf

go top

ExecScript(cpath)        && the memo field name is cpath

Use in knet

Rafael Copquin


----- Original Message ----- 
From: John Weller 
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 5:55 PM
Subject: INI Files

I'm having a real brain stall here!  I'm trying to write a simple routine to
read and write to an ini file.  I had a sample piece of code years ago but
it is so long since I used it I've lost it.  I have an app which only uses
two pieces of data, a source path and a target path.  I thought that it
would be convenient if the user could edit them with notepad so decided to
use an ini file.  I've found the definitions fro GetPrivateProfileString and
WritePrivateProfileString but I'm blowed if I can make them work!  Does the
ini file have to exist to write to it or will it create one; also the
section?  Anyone got some sample code out there that I could copy.


John Weller
01380 723235
07976 393631

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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