>Now, back on track: it occurs on multiple machines and with different
>OSes and doesn't seem to be a configuration thing. It does seem to be
>isolated to the one two-page report. What's unique about that report?
>Can you try to create another report that also shows the behavior? Is
>this problem in production and hard for you to catch?

It is in production and takes some effort to run tests on the machines 
where the problem occurs. No matter, I'll do it if I need to.

My response to Scott includes more details on how the system works. None of 
that is specific to this report, though--although the fact that all of my 
.frx  BeforeOpenTables() methods return .F. if they can't open a required 
table may be pertinent.

In addition to being deliberately forced to two pages, the problem report 
uses an .ico image file to display a checkmark in anywhere from zero to a 
couple dozen places, depending on what's in the detail rows. It's the only 
report that uses an image file. I'm thinking that between the two pages and 
rendering the images, report generation takes longer for this report than 
for others, and in certain machine/printer combinations, that time exceeds 
the system's ability to cope.



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