On 5/29/07, Bill Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "But unfortunately for Microsoft, you kept on trying open-source
> products. "


> "And you found the products had support options every bit as
> good as commercial products."


> "You also learned that open-source products
> were quite capable of handling the busiest and most resource-intensive
> enterprise demands."


> "Then, you discovered whole vibrant communities of
> talented and eager open-source developers."


> "In short, you discovered that
> Microsoft's claims about open-source technologies were just a bunch of FUD."

Yup. Thought so.

> And now it's clear that Microsoft knows this too. They were hoping to
> scare you away from open-source options, but now that their campaign has
> failed, they've clearly thrown in the towel."


Microsoft is huge, determined, wealthy, wicked smart, competitve,
unrelenting. Perhaps the SCO maneuver didn't work, so they're trying
the Novell cross-patent "not-to-sue" covenants. That's not going so
well? Drop the patent FUD bomb. Make a version of Windows that runs on
the OLPC. Sell Windows in China for $3. Compete, compete, compete.

Microsoft won't give up. It's not in their DNA.

And their stockholders would skin them alive. Actually, they may
already be planning that...

"But Microsoft hasn't given up completely. This claim of 235 patents
is basically the first salvo in a new war for the hearts and minds of
another target audience."

Well, that's more like it. Let's have at it! Competition is Good! It's
good for Microsoft and it's good for Open Source.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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