On 7/3/07, Joe Yoder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That is what I would do if my program was the only one writing to the
> directory.  There are potentially other programs creating files there as
> well.  I'm guessing the others would probably use the API approach so it
> would make sense to do that but I don't have the time available to learn
> how to do it that way. - Joe

It's amazing how much time you've spent not learning how to use the
API calls, just in posting messages here.

It's a four-line function you add to your application, plus a bit of
error-trapping and call it with:

lcMyNewTempFileName = GTFN()

Here's my original program that does something a bit different from
what you're trying to do. See if you can adapt it for your needs.
Don't hesitate to ask questions.


* Program....: GTFN.PRG

* Version....: 1.0

* Author.....: Ted Roche

* Date.......: October 11, 1999

* Notice.....: Copyright (c) 1999 Ted Roche

* Compiler...: Visual FoxPro 06.00.8492.00 for Windows

* Abstract...: Wrapper for GetTempFileName() API call

* Parameters.: None

* Returns....: Ted001.tmp, tedoo2.tmp

* Changes....: Should be parameterized to accept the three-letter

* .0.........: prefix, return error codes?




        INTEGER BufferLength, ;

        STRING Buffer


        STRING  Pathname, ;

        STRING  Prefix, ;

        INTEGER nUnique, ;

        STRING  TempFileName

local lcPath, lnPath, lnReturn, lcFileName

lnPath = 254

STORE REPL(CHR(0), lnPath) to lcPath, lcFileName

IF TYPE("tcPathName") <> "C" OR ;

   NOT(DIRECTORY(tcPathName))  && parameter omitted or invalid

   * Create the path from the WinAPI call

   IF GetTempPath(lnPath, @lcPath) = 0

     RETURN ""  && couldn't create path; bail



  * It's valid, assign the passed parameter

  lcPath = tcPathname


IF GetTempFileName(lcPath, ;   && path

               "Ted" , ;   && Prefix

               0     , ;   && Actually create the file

               @lcFileName) ;

   = 0  && function failed

   RETURN ""


  lcFileName = LEFT(lcFileName, AT(CHR(0),lcFileName)-1 )


RETURN lcFileName

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little
security will deserve neither and lose both" -- Benjamin Franklin

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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