I never missed you one bit, as you did stay involved with us little, old,
FoxHeads.  So to say, "Welcome back!", would serve no purpose as you were
here all the time.  But, about turning your back on Fox and trouncing us
FoxHeads for not moving forward.  Well, 50 lashes with a wet noodle!  And
when you are done with that get crackin and brush up on yer Fox skills using
the Most Excellent book, "A Hacker's Guide To Visual FoxPro."


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Matthew Jarvis
> Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 1:41 PM
> Subject: [NF] Coming in from the cold....
> Well it's Friday and I don't feel much like being productive, so I thought
> I'd share some news....
> My employer doesn't know it yet (giving notice on Monday) but I'm leaving
> here and going across town to become a foxpro developer once again <insert
> sigh of relief here>. Did some consulting work for these folks about 4
> years ago and tried to talk them into creating a job for me and they
> wouldn't do it... then a while back they called me up and told me about an
> opening for a programmer, we haggled a bit, and here we are.... I start
> the new gig on Aug 18th.
> I thought I was something of a computer expert 3 years ago when I first
> started here, but in reality I didn't know nuthin'.... I've learned SO
> much here at Bike Friday - it's amazing what you can get these machines to
> do if you know what you are doing (or are forced to do it)...  <g>
> Linux, PHP, server admin, networking, messing around with hardware... this
> has been a classic example of the more I know, the more I realize that I
> don't know... oh, and I got to ride my bike a lot...  <g>
> I'm not looking forward to sitting down with my boss to have The Talk...
> this place is going to go into cardiac arrest after that and I fully
> expect to have him hound me night/day/weekends while I'm still around, and
> quite possibly after I'm gone. The good news is that my predecessor, whom
> I still have doing consulting work, will at least be around to help them
> out and/or find a replacement assuming we don't come up with someone in my
> 3 remaining weeks.
> It's just been too much damn stress around here doing what amounts to 5
> different jobs...  I'm not going to whine about it and say "whoa is me" -
> I knew (for the most part) exactly what I was getting in to when I took
> this job 3 years ago.
> I've managed to lurk on this list for 3 years and pay casual attention to
> what's going on... Some of you may remember how I blasted you guys as
> idiots for sticking around w/ VFP when it's a dying language - I would
> like to eat some humble pie and apologize for those remarks. I think in a
> lot of ways I'm still right, it's just that VFP being dead in something
> like 7 years happens to tie in nicely with my plans for becoming
> semi-retired right around then. With any luck I can ride out the rest of
> my full time career doing VFP, then hang out a shingle and do some
> contract VFP work as the rest of you guys bail and move on to something
> else....
> I'm back....
> Matt Jarvis
> Eugene, Oregon USA
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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