Pete Theisen wrote:
> Leland F. Jackson, CPA wrote:
>>> Oh, the Rs will start plotting a 2010 takeover of congress, but that 
>>> won't kill Obama, just render him relatively powerless.
>> Senator Obama has much more to fear form powers like the Military 
>> Industrial Complex, Lobbyist, and Extreme Religious Righters and other 
>> right or left wing extremist, than he has to fear form a relatively 
>> impotent group of KKK haters.  My God protect and defend the President 
>> of the United State of America, whoever is elected president.
>> Also, Senator Obama, if elected president, will need to watch his step 
>> as his enemies will try ever trick in the book to bring him up for 
>> impeachment, much like they attack President Bill Clinton.  This applies 
>> especially to the Religious Righters, as removing a president by 
>> impeachment is much more their style.
> Hi Leland!
> So, you acknowledge that O-boy has a zipper problem?

Anyone can be exploited sexually.  It's just a matter of discovering an 
individuals most enticing sexual attractions,  and them providing the 
proper temptation. You would be a pushover; because you are so easily 
tempted.  LOL



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