As i mentioned in the other thread, this is about taking over the
banking industry, which is what communists do straightaway when they
get power.

There is nothing accidental about the banking collapse. Google
"Cloward-Piven" and consider a new generation of radicals taking their
ques from Saul Alinsky applying the idea with modern nanny-state tools
and techniques at their disposal.

- Publius

On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Nicholas Geti <> wrote:
> Yesterday Obamo is mouthing off about taxing the banks to "get our money
> back". This is insane economics. Most banks have repaid TARP money but Obamo
> wants to tax all banks whether they were involved in the mortgage mess or
> not. Why penalize management who do good for their town and customers? Talk
> about destroying incentives for honest people.
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