salut Yannick,
tu oublis l'incontournable EdSharp qui peut traduire ton texte très facilement, juste il faut faire alt+maj+f7 et choisir la langue d'origine et la langue cible et voila !

De : "Yannick Youalé" <>
Date : lundi 16 mars 2015 06:21
À : <>
Objet : [progliste] Re: les distributions linux accessibles

Coucou Raphaël,

Début de citation

Je n’ai pas compris ton histoire de traduction.

Fin de citation

Tout simplement que traduire un long texte lorsqu'on est déficient visuel c'est dur. Et qu'il faudrait créer une solution logicielle ou par script pour rendre plus agréable et plus simple cette tache.

Pour ma part j'ai quelques idées, mais ça reste encore assez flou.

Yannick Daniel Youalé
La programmation est une religion. Aimez-la, ou quittez-la.
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----- Original Message ----- From: ""Raphaël" POITEVIN" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2015 11:29 PM
Subject: [progliste] Re: les distributions linux accessibles

À mon sens, pour quelqu’un qui s’y connaît un temps soit peu en
informatique, Ubuntu-Mate est très abordable. Y a des bugs, comme dans
tous systèmes, mais c,est vraiment très exploitable. On a même une très
bonne autonomie d’installation pour l’installer pour un voyant qui n’y
connaît rien. Je l’ai fait pour ma mère.

Je n’ai pas compris ton histoire de traduction.
Yannick Youalé <> writes:

Salut à tous !
J'ai trouvé ceci sur la liste anglophone program-l.
Il s'agit d'un message dans lequel sont recapitulé les distributions
linux accessibles.
Je n'ai pas eu le courage de le traduire, mais j'ose espérer que cela
ne gènera pas le plus grand nombre.
Une parenthèse par rapport aux traduction de langue, il va faloir
qu'il soit trouvé une solution pour rendre cette tache moins chiante
pour les déficients visuels. Car faire des aller et retour dans un
documents, ou des basculement entre deux documents n'a rien d'une
partie de plaisir.
Sur ce, Attention le voici:

are you looking for how linux and windows differ or which distros to
try? There are currently ... 5 distros that are the most accessible,
although any linux distribution which includes orca is usable by a
blind person, although not all are accessible to install. Thery are:
sonar. A distribution based on arch which has both gnome and mate
flavors available. Orca is preconfigured to start when the live cd
boots, and braille support is also available out of the box if you
have a braille display. I use this one. Mate is more similar to
windows xp/vista/7 in terms of look and feel, while gnome is more
similar to windows 8.1. Arch linux. If you want to use this one, you
want to download the talking arch distro from Arch is probably more geared towards the
linux advanced user, although it is installable and usable by a
novice, if you are willing to follow the tutorials available on the
arch wiki. There are three others, all debian based. Ubuntu, trisquel,
and vinux. Ubuntu uses an interface called unity, which is sort of a
hybrid between windows 8 and 7, having both touch screen support and a
traditional desktop, menus, icons, etc. Trisquel is a "free software"
only distribution, so you won't find support for hardware that needs
binary firmware, and a lot do. There's also ubuntu mate, which is
ubuntu without the unity interface, but with mate instead. Vinux is
basically ubuntu with orca preconfigured to start by default, and a
different sound theme and wallpaper than ubuntu itself. As for how
linux and windows differ accessibility wise ... it's not black and
white. There are applications that work better in windows than in
linux, such as firefox, although orca's recent improvements in this
area make it a lot less of a gap than it used to be. There are also
programs taht work better in linux than in windows, gimp and pidgin
being good examples. Libreoffice is supposed to work in both windows
and linux with screen readers, but I couldn't get it working in
windows at all last time I tried. It works out of the box with orca.
Things in linux are said slightly differently. To give you an example.
A button in linux is said as push button, or toggle button. Toggle
buttons are buttons which have either an on or off state, whereas push
buttons are just ... well, buttons. The area of the desktop where your
icons go is typically said as desktop. Icon view layored pane, instead
of "desktop list". text fields are usually said as "text" in
applications other than web browsers, and "entry" in browsers. NO idea
why. If you can get used to the way things are said, it shouldn't be
too difficult. I'm not a programmer, so I can't speak to whether linux
or windows is better to develop under. There are people who are on
both sides of the fence I'd expect. I do know that there are at least
a few accessible ides, bluefish being one, eclipse being another,
which work out of the box with orca.
Hope this helps, this is a lot to write.
Yannick Daniel Youalé
La programmation est une religion. Aimez-la, ou quittez-la.
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