Roger's approach also fails if the numbers are big enough. Here's the
original problem, but with the last number changed to protect the innocent
(and make the demonstration work)

   (4 : '13|x*y') / 19 29 59 79 89 109 119 139 149 179 198


​Now let's use  some big numbers:​
(4 : '13|x*y') / 19 29 59 79 89 109 119 139 149 179 198 + 10^20

But if we use extended precision:

     (4 : '13|x*y') / 19 29 59 79 89 109 119 139 149 179 198 + 10x^20


Showing interim results:

     (4 : '13|x*y') /\. 19 29 59 79 89 109 119 139 149 179 198 + 10x^20

1 7 6 2 8 3 3 5 1 7 100000000000000000198

For that matter, my original approach will work with the same big numbers
as long as you use extended precision:

   13|*/13|/ 19 29 59 79 89 109 119 139 149 179 198 + 10x^20


However, 0 can be a valid result in these remainder problems.  Notice the
changed last digit (195 is a multiple of 13):

     (4 : '13|x*y') / 19 29 59 79 89 109 119 139 149 179 195


    (4 : '13|x*y') /\. 19 29 59 79 89 109 119 139 149 179 195

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 195

Any number in the list which is a multiple of 13, will cause the final
answer to be zero.

So you can't rely on a zero answer to indicate a "precision exceeded"
error. Which is why it would be nice to have a way to be notified when you
are exceeding the precision limit.


Skip Cave
Cave Consulting LLC

On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 3:48 PM, Skip Cave <> wrote:

> So does Roger's function work on the larger list? Let's see:
>     (4 : '13|x*y') / 10 # 19 29 59 79 89 109 119 139 149 179 199
> 9
> That looks like it does. Let's check with extended precision:
>     (4 : '13|x*y') / 10 # 19 29 59 79 89 109 119 139 149 179 199x
> 9
> So Roger's approach works without extended precision. But mine doesn't:
>    13| */13|/ 10 # 19 29 59 79 89 109 119 139 149 179 199
> 0
> Let's see why. Here's Roger's verb. We'll call it 'g':
>    g=. 4 : '13|x*y'
> Roger does g/ which puts g between each integer. Let's see what is going
> on In the short case:
>      19 g 29 g 59 g 79 g 89 g 109 g 119 g 139 g 149 g 179 g 199
> 4
> Step-by-step...
>     179 g 199
> 1
>     149 g 1
> 6
>     139 g 6
> 2
>     119 g 2
> 4
>     109 g 4
> 7
>      89 g 7
> 12
>      79 g 12
> 12
>      59 g 12
> 6
>      29 g 6
> 5
>     19 g 5
> 4
> So the secret is that Roger's scheme keeps the interim calculation values
> small enough to avoid precision errors. (There's got to be an easier way to
> list the interim values of insert). My scheme generated large interim
> values which exceeded the precision limit.
> Skip
> I get a set of numbers from a database. The
> Skip Cave
> Cave Consulting LLC
> On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 2:51 PM, Skip Cave <>
> wrote:
>> Roger said:
>>  But if the list were longer:
>>    13 | */ 13 | 10 # 19 29 59 79 89 109 119 139 149 179 199
>> 0
>> Wow! Yes I see the problem. It would be really nice if J would output a
>> warning when a  calculation exceeds the precision limits. I'm sure this
>> would probably  slow down all computations, so having a global variable to
>> turn on precision errors would be a conservative approach.
>> Of course, I can usually check to see if an error has occurred by turning
>> on extended precision to see if the answers match, but it would be nice to
>> know without having to always double check my calculations..
>>    13|*/13|/ 10 # 19 29 59 79 89 109 119 139 149 179 199x
>> 9
>> Skip Cave
>> Cave Consulting LLC
>> On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 1:46 PM, Roger Hui <>
>> wrote:
>>> Your solution works only because the list isn't too long, and the initial
>>> 13| (same as 13 |/) made them all small enough that you can do the */
>>> without losing precision.  But if the list were longer:
>>>    13 | */ 13 | 10 # 19 29 59 79 89 109 119 139 149 179 199
>>> 0
>>> If it makes it more understandable, use explicit defn:
>>>    (4 : '13|x*y') / 19 29 59 79 89 109 119 139 149 179 199
>>> 4
>>> "Multiplication mod m" means m|x*y, multiply, then take the remainder of
>>> division by m.
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