Sure, and, for example:

typetrap=:4 :0
    'this is a trap'

   1 typetrap 1
this is a trap

Or, if you want some other kind of result (or if you want to see valid

   +`'' typetrap i.4

No problem, right?



On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 8:20 AM, Erling Hellenäs
<> wrote:
> Here J traps an exception.
> 1/0
> |domain error
> | 1 /0
> /Erling
> Den 2017-09-21 kl. 14:17, skrev Erling Hellenäs:
>> I trap exceptions all the time in JWithATwist and I see no problems
>> whatsover with this. However I did not investigate if Windows can be
>> configured to give these exceptions so that they can be trapped, but it
>> seems highly likely, since it is a compulsory functionality in the IEEE
>> standard floating point standard./Erling
>> Den 2017-09-21 kl. 14:06, skrev Raul Miller:
>>> I don't think I understand what should happen in an expression with
>>> multiple operations when we do this "J to trap the exception" thing.
>>> Language design needs to be specified so it does something for all the
>>> cases, and any "trapping of exceptions" that I can think of introduces
>>> all sorts of complexities.
>>> If you do not want those complexities, I think you should not be
>>> attempting to trap those exceptions.
>>> It's incredibly easy to express contradictory specifications.
>>> Implementing them, however, tends to be a lot more difficult (and,
>>> generally speaking, involves serious compromises).
>>> Thanks,
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