Thanks for the python feedback.

I am completely new to python so when I said 'put [them] where python can
find them' I was depending on knowledge beyond my own. I developed them in
my home folder, but assume there are other, probably better, places.

The '\u...' hint is amusing, but not sure how to incorporate it into the
simple example.

Successful use depends to some extent on python knowledge and that is
beyond the scope of the addon.

Using hints from other comments, I eventually went back and did an install
of anaconda (python plus heaps of stuff) and this is probably the way to
go. In particular it avoids having to get numpy separately.

On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 8:17 PM, Gilles Kirouac <> wrote:

> I had j806/j64/windows, I installed Python 3.6.4 today for my single use
> (rather than all users).
> I then had difficulty with "import j".
> "put and where python can find them"
> I initially placed them with other scripts under Tools\scripts, but that
> did not work.
> Putting them in the Python36 directory along python.exe works. Is this
> the right place? It is just my guess!
> I had to modify the file to:
> pathbin= r'C:\users\xxxxx\j64-806\bin'
> pathdll= pathbin+'\j.dll'
> pathpro= pathbin+'\profile.ijs'
> Note the "r" in pathbin. r=raw to avoid having python interpret \u as a
> unicode sequence leader.
> The numpy module was not installed. To install it, in a windows shell:
> pip install numpy
> My session then looks fine to me:
> Python 3.6.4 (v3.6.4:d48eceb, Dec 19 2017, 06:54:40) [MSC v.1900 64 bit
> (AMD64)] on win32
> Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
> >>> import j
> >>> j.init(True)
> >>>'abc=: i.2 3')
> 0
> >>> q= j.get('abc')
> >>> j.set('ghi',23+q)
> >>> j.get('ghi')
> array([[23, 24, 25],
>        [26, 27, 28]], dtype=int64)
> >>>'+a.')
> 3
> >>> j.getlasterror()
> b'|domain error\n|       +a.\n'
> >>> j.test()
> b'nib/608-46j/notuom/sresu/:c'
>  [[0 1 2]
>  [3 4 5]]
>  [[0.5 1.5 2.5]
>  [3.5 4.5 5.5]]
> b'|domain error\n|       +a.\n'
> array([1, 1, 1], dtype=int64)
> >>> j.set('foo','wert')
> >>> j.get('foo')
> b'wert'
> >>>
>  ~ Gilles
> Le 2018-02-19 à 14:39, Eric Iverson a écrit :
> > The python3 addon has been updated with bug fixes. Please share your
> > experiences with this new facility.
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