Is there a standard verb for displaying arrays my way?---Bo. 

    Den 15:57 lørdag den 10. marts 2018 skrev 'Bo Jacoby' via Programming 

 Yes Raul.
I do not at all claim that (p5) is better that (p.).
Perhaps J should always display the same number of decimals for the real part 
and the imaginary part of a complex number, such that the result would read 
_1.00000j0.00000 _1.00000j0.00000
(%:i.2) is (0 1) , and (%:i.3) is (0 1 1.41421) , but perhaps should be 

0.00000 1.00000 1.41421
with the same number of decimals in every component of a vector. 

See what I mean?


    Den 15:26 lørdag den 10. marts 2018 skrev Raul Miller 

 Looks like you could use another stage to clean up results?

  1 {:: p. 1 2 1
_1 _1

  p5 1 2 1
_1j1.54593e_9 _1j3.48012e_9

P.S. looking at the source, J is using Laguerre's method (so I'd use
p.. if I were re-implementing it in J).



On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 2:13 AM, 'Bo Jacoby' via Programming
<> wrote:
> (p.) is OK, but I do not know how it works.
> Thanks to Raul Miller and to R.E.Boss, my home-cooked equation solver looks 
> like this.
> p1=.+`*/&}:&|:@(,@,."_ 0) NB. evaluate polynomial x at point y
>  p2=.*/&|:&(+0&=)&(-/~) NB. multiply differences between approximate roots
>  p3=.]-p1%p2@:] NB. iteration step
>  p4=.](p3^:_)0.8j0.6^i.@:<:&$ NB. solve a normalized equation
>  p5=.p4&(%{:)&({.~>:&{:&(-.&(0&=)#i.&#)) NB. normalize and solve
> NB. This J code can probably be further compacted.
> NB. test runs:
>  load'plot'
>  pl=:[:'dot;pensize 5'&plot 0j1*] NB. vertical real axis
>  a=. 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 NB. test coefficients
>  pl p5 a NB. show complex roots using (p5)
> pl >}.p.a NB. show complex roots using (p.)
> p5 1 NB. show no roots using (p5)
>  p.1 NB. show no roots using (p.)
> |domain error
> | p.1
> Thanks! Bo.
>    Den 20:53 onsdag den 7. marts 2018 skrev R.E. Boss <>:
>  a |:@:(,@,."_ 0) b
> R.E. Boss
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Programming <> On
>> Behalf Of 'Bo Jacoby' via Programming
>> Sent: maandag 5 maart 2018 14:35
>> To: Programming Forum <>
>> Subject: [Jprogramming] (,a,.2),.,a,.3
>> Let (a =.  _1 _1 0 0 0 1) and (b =. 2 3).
>> For my own education I am trying to make a homecooked version of (p.).
>> (+`*/}:(,a,.2),.,a,.3) produces the same result as (a p. b) I need a nice 
>> verb (f)
>> such that (a f b) produces ((,a,.2),.,a,.3) Thanks! Bo.
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