Fair enough. I graduated in Electrical Engineering in '54, then MSc, 56 and PhD in mid 60's. I have used a slide rule and also 6 figure log tables, where needed, in the 50's. I was aware of sig figs from the first day of lectures. First programming was in '61 (using MAD (Michigan Algorithmic Decoder). Limits of digital representation were well known. Pick up any numerical analysis book and error estimation is high on the list. Tell a bricklayer that fuzz happens-he will understand. The history that you mention is known to me. In a case where hundreds or more simultaneous non-linear equations are needed (actually handled by engineers about 1964 for power system load flow studies, going to 64 bit vs 32 bit systems makes sense. I do see what you are doing and tried it for the sine(a) problem, assuming exact numbers i get a resultant number that is apparently 1 but differs  (i.e. 1-the floating point answer gives a difference of 7.56e_11 (roughly) which has good agreement to the conversion of the extended precision number to floating point.  This difference will not show up in Tabula .  Of some interest, looking at the sine problem one can note that a =sin(a) =1.23e_5 from the first term of the series and the second term is of the order of 10e_16. The cosine series has a first term of 1 and a second of -7.56e-11.

Anyhow, I see what you are doing and the ability to use rational fractions has advantages in some cases. (i.e. 1r3 vs 1%3)and I wish you all the best and I found it interesting.


On 2019-03-28 11:05 p.m., Ian Clark wrote:
@Devon - thanks for drawing my attention to a method of formatting I've
been overlooking in favour of dyadic (":). Though it isn't actually a
"display problem" I've got: more a choice of facilities I want to offer.
Anyway 8!:0 is another arrow in my quiver.

@Don - If your point concerning the Church Clock t-table is that estimating
the height of the tower to be 75 ft carries the implication that this is
really 75 ±1 ft - a greater-than 1% error, which will propagate through the
calculations, take it as read. TABULA has a dropdown menu (in the range 0
to 9) to let you choose how many decimal places to show. Upping the setting
to "9" will yield extra digits after the decimal point, but not
"meaningful" ones – at least not meaningful to someone rebuilding the tower
(who is apt to estimate to the nearest course of bricks). But perhaps
they're meaningful to a lecturer trying to explain the limits of
calculating machines to a class of bricklayers. Or maybe they're engineers,
or even accountants, who'd lose faith in the entire model to see a column
of figures that don't add up. How to construe those extra digits will
differ in each case. TABULA is a general-purpose tool, not restricted to a
particular trade.

I trust you're not saying that it is somehow wrong, e.g. wasteful or
misleading, to use a calculation method which delivers a precision that
errors of measurement will swamp. Though this is a view I used to hear,
more or less veiled, when I graduated in Math/Physics in the 1960s. Back
then we used slide-rules, which gave two places of decimals if you had good
eyesight, and we generally worked to 10% tolerance, for which 2 places of
decimals was adequate. Only a precision-freak would demand more, we told

Gradually this view got extended to saying that showing data to surplus
places of decimals was not just too much of a good thing, but was actually
bad because it invited the superstitious to place some meaning on those
excess digits. I recall quite serious, quite heated discussions in the
scientific press about how if you knew your measurement error to 2 places
of decimals, then you ought to reveal it.

Like so: 75.00 ±1.08 ft.

About that I have no opinion. Except to offer you, as I do, a button to add
±1% to a given reading to get an idea of the sensitivity of your model to
errors of measurement.

More recently I used to hear scientists saying that 32-bit floating-point
numbers were good enough for anyone, and vendors' attempts to kid us all to
upgrade to 64-bit was just a ruse to "shift more iron". There's even a
proposal being aired to introduce 128-bit, but nobody seems to be taking it
seriously. Not even the guys who program GPS satellites (which need to
correct for general relativity) – leastways, they're keeping quiet about it.

Then along comes this Clark guy who thinks there's a market for a
scientific calculator with unlimited precision. I feel your pain.

But why should I feel obliged to carry on using lossy methods when I've
just discovered I don't need to? Methods such as floating point arithmetic,
plus truncation of infinite series at some arbitrary point. The fact that
few practical measurements are made to an accuracy greater than 0.01%
doesn't actually justify lossy methods in the calculating machine. It
merely condones them, which is something else entirely.

No, I'm not a starry-eyed precision-freak. I use iterative methods to
calculate functions that solve equations, and I see rounding errors build
up exponentially, making my algorithms go unstable. Eliminating rounding
errors by performing these algorithms in rational arithmetic is something
that needs to be tried. And I've just begun trying it.

Yes, at the end of the day computed quantities need to be displayed, and
conventionally such displays entail decimal numbers. Which need to be
chopped off at the right-hand end somewhere.

That's not my department. I'll let my user see as many places of decimals
as she's the stomach for. Even if (like Ellie in Carl Sagan's novel
"Contact") she's looking for a personal message from a galactic
intelligence in the far digits of π.

Ian Clark

On Thu, 28 Mar 2019 at 02:27, Devon McCormick <devon...@gmail.com> wrote:

Ian - could your display problem be solved by always formatting displays
but retaining arbitrary internal precision?  You probably already do this
but thought I'd mention it because I just had to format a correlation
matrix to show only two digits of precision, but was annoyed that my
rounding fnc was showing me things like "0.0199999999" and "0.20000001"
when I rediscovered "8!:0" and looked up how to format a number properly.

On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 7:57 PM Don Kelly <d...@shaw.ca> wrote:

Probalbly the main problem, as exemplified in the "sine(a) problem is
that a and sine a are the same within 10e-16 and the cosine is 1-7.5e-5
but the display is only 6 figures and so the displayed result is rounded
to 1.  as it is closer to 1 than 0.999999.  This is grade 8
rounding.Increasing the numerical accuracy won't help but increasing the
display to say 12 digits might show something other (such as

Also, looking at the Tabula "church clock" somehow data which  is of 2
to 3 figure accuracy  is represented as  6 figure print precision
accuracy.  A height of 75 ft is of 2 figure accuracy  or 75+/_ 0.5 lb
is being presented in display as 75.000  and calculated to a greater
number of digits internally. The is doesn't mean that 75 is 75.0 nor
75.000 etc. Using 64 digit floating point simply reduces computer error
((partly due to converting from base 2 to base 10) hich but doesn't give
more accuracy than is present in the input data (neither does hand
calculation).  1r3 will be, in decimal form 0.3333333 ad nauseum no
matter how you do it and somewhere at the limit of the computer and real
world, it is rounded at some point.

Don Kelly

On 2019-03-27 11:32 a.m., Ian Clark wrote:
Raul wrote:
So I am curious about the examples driving your concern here.
I'm in the throes of converting TABULA (
https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/TABULA ) to work with rationals
floats. Or more accurately, the engines CAL and UU which TABULA uses.

No, I don't need to offer the speed of light to more than 10
digits. My motivation has little to do with performing a particular
scientific calculation, and everything to do with offering a
general-purpose tool and rubbing down the rough edges as they emerge.
a game of whack-the-rat.

The imprecision of working with floating-point numbers shows up so
with TABULA that I haven't bothered to collect examples. In just about
every session I hit an instance or ten. But it's worse when using the
to demonstrate technical principles to novices, rather than do mundane
calculations, because in the latter case it would be used by an
well-versed in computers and the funny little ways of floating point,
tolerant comparisons and binary-to-decimal conversion. But a novice is
to suffer a crisis of confidence when she sees (sin A)=1.23E-5 in the
display as (cos A)=1. Even hardened physicists wince.

Two areas stand out:
• Infinitestimals, i.e. intermediate values which look like zero – and
ought to be zero – but aren't. They act like grit in the works.
• Backfitting, where the user overtypes a calculated value and CAL
suitable input values, for which it mainly uses N-R algorithms – which
don't like noisy values.

It's too early to say yet – I have to finish the conversion and think
examples to stress-test it before I can be sure the effort is
So far I've only upgraded UU (the units-conversion engine), but already
some backfitting examples which were rather iffy are hitting the target
spot-on: particularly where the slope of the "hill" being climbed is
zero. Even I succumb to feelings of pleasure to see (sin A)=0 in the
display as (cos A)=1.

But knowing the innards of CAL, I can't understand how it can possibly
showing benefits at this early stage. Perhaps UU's rational values are
leaking further down the cascade of calculations than I expected? I'd
to get to the bottom of it, but my systematic "rationalization" of the
code will destroy the evidence, just as exploring Mars will destroy the
evidence for indigenous life. Too bad: I'm not aiming at CAL working
occasionally, but every time.

Thanks for reminding me about digits separation. Yes, my numeral
(I find I'm mainly working with numerals than numeric atoms) can
handle standard scientific notation, like '6.62607015E-34' -- plus a
J-ish forms like '1p1'. I only had to type-in π to 50 places of
feel the need for some form of digit separation (…a good tool should
support ALL forms!) e.g.  '6.626,070,15E-34' but was unconsciously
(y -. ',') would handle it.

…It won't. SI specifies spaces as digit separators, and Germany uses
where the UK and USA use dots, e.g. '6,626 070 15E-34'. Okay, fine… but
places I detect the first space in a (string) quantity to show where
numeral stops and the units begin. Ah well… another rat to whack.


On Wed, 27 Mar 2019 at 15:16, Raul Miller <rauldmil...@gmail.com>
On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 7:38 PM Ian Clark <earthspo...@gmail.com>
I will still employ my "mickey-mouse" method, because it's easily
once it's coded. I need built-into TABULA a number of physical
which the SI defines exactly, e.g.
• The thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water, Ttpw ,
273.16 K *exactly*.
• The speed of light in vacuo is 299792458 m/s *exactly*.

The first I can generate and handle as: 27316r100 -whereas (x:
is 6829r25 . If you multiply top and bottom by 4 you get my numeral.
(x:) will round decimal numerals with more than 15 sig figs and so
I was looking at
I did not notice anything with more than 10 significant digits. So I
am curious about the examples driving your concern here.

(That said, if you're going to go there, and you have not already done
so, I'd use your approach on strings, and I'd make it so that it would
work properly on values like  '6.62607015e-34'. I might also be
tempted to make it accept group-of-three-digit representations to make
obvious typos stand out visually. Perhaps:   '6.626 070 15e-34')


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Devon McCormick, CFA

Quantitative Consultant
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