Is this the sort of thing you need?  
   11.3^i.5. NB. plain output with default precision
1 11.3 127.69 1442.9 16304.7

   10j2": 11.3^i.5. NB. Vector with 2dp
      1.00     11.30    127.69   1442.90  16304.74

   10j2": ,.11.3^i.5. NB. Column vector with 2dp

(This looks poor on my iPad, but should be fine with a fixed width display)

I think there is/are add-on version/s of printf that I’m not familiar with.

PS I think Ric has just posted something too...

Sent from my iPad

> On 11 Sep 2019, at 08:45, HH PackRat <> wrote:
> Although I can find general print precision in the J documentation, I
> can't seem to find how to display 2 decimal digits, 3 decimal digits,
> or 4 decimal digits, for example.  In other words, I don't really care
> how many digits precede the decimal point, but I need to have a fixed
> number of digits following the decimal point in data displays.  This
> need (I should think) would be common in financial programming, so I
> assume J has a way to handle such data displays.  How do I do this?
> Thanks in advance!
> Harvey
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