Sorry for the duplication. I wasn't sure the message to the beta forum went.

There are some changes in how regex'es work in the last J9.04 beta
that will probably zing many.

John Baker

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: John Baker <>
Date: Thu, Jan 12, 2023 at 10:08 AM
Subject: A big beautiful beta regex bomb
To: Beta forum <>

I have been running the latest beta: Beta-j: commercial/2023-01-07T02:25:25
and have discovered some issues.

FIRST:  changes in regex processing.

In j 9.03 the following works:

      JNAME=: '[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]_]*'

      JNAME rxall 'anyjname'




In the latest 904 beta we get:

   JNAME rxall 'anyjname'

|this version of PCRE2 does not have Unicode support at offset 0



: regerror

| m 13!:8[12

I presume there is a new PRCE2 dll that must be distributed. If not,
this is a major change in how regex's work.

John D. Baker

John D. Baker
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