I wrote a brief J script to generate random RSA keys in various lengths.  I
put a copy in my Dropbox at the following URL…


In this script is a function called “genkey” which crashes J.

genkey =: 3 : 0"0

q =. p =. randprime y

while. q = p


q =. randprime y


if. p < q


'p q'=. q,p




randprime y returns a random prime of length y bits with the upper two bits
set as an extended precision integer.  It seems rock solid and has been
called millions of times without issue.

genkey picks a prime, p, and another prime not equal to it, q, and swaps
them if necessary so p is the larger one.  It then returns a vector of
length 3, consisting of p*q, p, and q.

If you load this script, and type “genkey 32”, you get a “J has stopped
working, reporting to Microsoft” dialogue box immediately.

If I write another function, “keygen” which does the same thing as genkey,
but phrased slightly differently, it works perfectly.

keygen =: 3 : 0"0

z =. ''

while. 2 > #z


z =. ~. z , randprime y




keygen 5#32

13636890702424146503 3697445573 3688192411

14042631972443509627 3975272443 3532495489

15856784938324374101 4290006247 3696214883

12482175669738327193 3743048207 3334762199

14012721502477771067 4146478969 3379426643

I’m new to J programming, so I’m sure I’ve just done something dumb.  Any
insights would be appreciated.

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