Would it also be preferable for us to change our local repository's origin to github? The repo I'm working on was forked from http://invenio-software.org/repo/invenio. I presume Github will probably remain more up to date?

On 05/02/14 13:13, Tibor Simko wrote:
Hi gang:

Winter cleanup on Github, episode two!

If you have forked "invenio" repository e.g. from github.com/tiborsimko
in the distant past -- notably before 2011 when "inveniosoftware" github
organisation was born -- then please consider:

   - deleting your "invenio" repository on github

   - forking anew from https://github.com/inveniosoftware/invenio

   - re-pushing your personal branches onto your repository again

This is because it would be preferable if everyone forked from the same
canonical place which is the "invenio" repository hosted at the
"inveniosoftware" organisation:


For a working example, please check out my personal repository:


that says:

|  PUBLIC [img] tiborsimko / invenio
|     forked from inveniosoftware/invenio

P.S. Doing so will most probably decrease the number of stars and the
      number of forks on your private repository -- e.g. a couple of
      dozen in my case -- but I hope it won't bother you.  Standardising
      upon the same canonical place is greater good. :)

Best regards
Tibor Simko

Graham R. Armstrong
/Software Developer, InspireHEP @ CERN

*My Public Repositories:*
Inspire <https://invenio-software.org/repo/personal/inspire-garmstro/> | Invenio <https://invenio-software.org/repo/personal/invenio-garmstro/> | Invenio Inspire Ops (GitHub) <https://github.com/Hartlepublian/invenio-inspire-ops>

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