Invenio v1.1.4 is released
August 31, 2014

Invenio v1.1.4 was released on August 31, 2014.

This stable release contains a number of bugfixes and improvements.
It is recommended to all Invenio sites using v1.1.3 or previous stable
release series (v0.99, v1.0).

What's new:

 *) BibDocFile: FFT comment/description documentation (#635);
    duplicate docname fix (#1930); convert files and icons
    asynchronously (#1428)

 *) BibEncode: fix video-encoded files synchro to DB (#1647)

 *) BibRank: (Overflow|ZeroDivision)Error usability (#105 #2146)

 *) BibSched: authorization typo fix in BibTasklet (#1746); more
    customizable icon creation tasklet; icons creation tasklet

 *) BibSort: `last_updated` column name typo fix (#1408 #1742)

 *) OAIRepository: OAI-PMH handler URL documented (#1027 #2152)

 *) WebComment: attachments in multi-node setup

 *) WebJournal: update demo "Article Header" style

 *) WebSearch: disable meta tags for deleted records (#1680)

 *) WebSession: CSRF token in API key settings form (#1855); CSRF
    tokens in account settings forms (#1855); Python-2.4 combatibility
    issue fix

 *) WebSubmit: file stamper option to copy metadata (#1569); new
    Create_Modify_Interface parameters; value escaping for
    modifications (#1578); better value escaping (#1578); more
    customizable Link_Records function; no double-submit (#1020)

 *) installation: GnuPG key server location update; location of

 *) jQuery: fix for DataTables dependency URL location (#2078)

 *) sequtils: more robust cnum generation (#2119)

 *) I18N: fix gender problem in a French translation (#2089)



Installation notes:

Please follow the INSTALL file bundled in the distribution tarball.

Upgrade notes:

Please proceed as follows:

 a) Stop your bibsched queue and your Apache server.

 b) Install the update:

     $ tar xvfz invenio-1.1.4.tar.gz
     $ cd invenio-1.1.4
     $ sudo rsync -a /opt/invenio/etc/ /opt/invenio/etc.OLD/
     $ sh /opt/invenio/etc/build/config.nice
     $ make
     $ make check-upgrade # (1)
     $ sudo -u www-data make install
     $ sudo rsync -a /opt/invenio/etc.OLD/ \
         --exclude invenio-autotools.conf \
         /opt/invenio/etc/ # (2)
     $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --update-all
     $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --upgrade


    (1) If you have customised your session templates
        (`websession_templates.py`) in your site-specific overlay,
        then you will need to add a new `csrf_token` parameter to
        several of your templates (e.g. `tmpl_user_preferences()`).
        Running `make check-upgrade` will warn you about this
        necessity, should it be applicable.

    (2) If you are upgrading from previous stable release series
        (v0.99 or v1.0), please don't run this rsync command but diff,
        in order to inspect changes and adapt your old configuration
        to the new v1.1 release series.

 c) Restart your Apache server and your bibsched queue.

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