Dear developers,
 we would like to use Invenio for storage of pictures. Our records can have
several pictures and each picture has several version that differ just by
resolution (e.g. picture1_highres.jpgeg, picture1.jpeg,
picture1_thumbnail.jpeg, picture2_highres.jpgeg, picture2.jpeg,
picture2_thumbnail.jpeg). The pictures are uploaded through the web
interface  as well as through batch uploads from the command line. I have
two questions.

 1. I've noticed that invenio just runs bibupload after I submit in the
receditor. So right now we are just using FFT tags in the Record Editor for
upload (I.e. we upload on the server and then add FFT tag with URL of the
just uploaded file.) However, the Record Editor runs bibupload in the
replace mode. Why? What problems should I expect if I change the mode to
correct? We need to upload more than one picture through the webinterace
and the replace mode just replaces the old pictures. Also, we cannot delete
the pictures this way by using appropriate FFT tags.

 2. I find the documentation for bibupload insufficient. What combination
of tags should I use if I want to add a record with several files
(pictures) each of which has several versions (resolutions)?

 Best regards,
                 Vit Tucek

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