Sophie Gautier wrote:
Yes. I'm more for a wiki than a bugzilla, unless you know one that has a
very nice interface and is not frightening for non technical contributors.

Sincerely, I hate bugzilla. :)

For non technical people it's a real barrier for contribution, IMO.

However, summing up this initial brainstorming discussion:

1) a central employment-office-like web structure for TDF/LibO volunteers *may* improve efficiency in recruiting new contributors when maintainers and current contributors ask for help;

2) such web structure should be as easier as possible (likely a wiki) and as visible as possible (a user must be able to choose how and what to contribute in just few clicks), with a main division between technical (code) and non-technical (everything else) requests for help. Subsections may exist according to the requested skills to complete a particular task and/or the estimated time to complete a task so that a wannabe contributor can choose the most suitable task to which contribute.

3) in order not to overload the current maintainers that ask for help in the centralized system, we can: 3a) appoint some volunteers (coordinators) who will work as intermediaries between the current maintainer/contributors and the wannabe contributors *by posting* the received requests for help into the central system and *by confirming* the external offers or the completion of a task; 3b) appoint some volunteers who will work like moderators do in mailing list *by checking* (for consistency, tagging, form, and so on) the requests for help *already directly* posted by the maintainers/contributors into the central system.

If we agree about this initial draft of the project, we may try to ask in if/how/where it's possible to implement this idea and, above all, we should ask in other projects ML (all?) how much consensus there is about this idea, because, who knows, current contributors may prefer fragmentation (even language based one) rather than centralization.

BTW, I'm still puzzled from the and division for mailing lists. It's nearly a nightmare for a potential contributor to understand where to write and why. :(


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