Thursday May 21st 2020, 18:00 UTC

Presents: Steve, Drew, Dan, Carlisle, Olivier
IRC chanel:

Telegram Group

Live TDF Jitsi Room

Pending items:
* Submit proposal for new Guide template (olivier)

Topics and Discussion:
    + Call for Documentation Mentor
       + Need 2 more mentors for Google seasons of Doc
    + Solver for Calc
       + Help pages almost ready, waiting for wiki contents (Olivier)
           + What is
               + Espilon level in Linear Solver (1 phrase)
               + Branch and bound (1 phrase)
           + Use OpenOffice NLP wiki contents as a start in LO wiki
               e.g: [NLPSolver]
       + Thanks to Drew Jensen for his recent work in this area (SF)

    + Questions and Answers on Guides and Help

    * Calc Guide (SF)
      - Current status of update
          + Moving on to deliver
      - Reviewing Keyboard Shortcuts chapter
          + Needs revision
          + heavy rewriting,
          + depends on OS (Linux, Windows, Mac)
AI:   Verify Linux (Drew)

      - Does 6.x template currently used in the master document need
update for 6.4?
          + Stick with the Calc current 6.2 template
      - Lessons learned about unexpected user interface changes in LO
          + Lots of changes,
             + Not everithing changes in release notes
             + e.g. MSO lock files
             + For notebook bars, let description of NB be in GS guides
    * Discuss recent updates to the Calc Functions area of the wiki (SF)
          + Revert if necessary
          + wiki pages often suffer vandalism
    + Order of creating a ePUB version for the user guides? (Dan)
        + Base guide
AI: Update Contributor Guide for e-PUB (Tabs issue) (olivier)

    + On template for 7.0 (olivier)
      + What to change?
       + Name of styles (currently messy, but low impact)
          + Cleanup of excessive styles
          + Prefer to use the Standard/Default style names (Steve, Dan)
          + Design a new style only if absolutely necessary
          + Notes, Warning and Tips should change?
                 ==> Unconclusive
          + "On using mailing list (...)", change to warning (Dan, SF, Drew)
          + Removal of unused styles
          + Adjust for ePUB (eliminate automatic tabs, no OLE objects)
          + Create a macro to manage styles
              + check direct formatting, check style not "oficial"
              + Use the extension to change char templates

         + Use acessibility (a11y) features in 7.0 to verify a11y
              + Let's document this new feature (Drew)
          + What about fonts? Serif or Sans serif? No change
          + Heading font color? Keep current green, choose other?
          + Margins, page size?
          + No headers thus reduce uper margin (Steve).
AI: present a proposal for new template 7.0 and discuss (olivier)

Next meeting : *THURSDAY* June 4th 2020 at 18:00 UTC.
Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Comunidade LibreOffice
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00

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