This attack on free speech will fuel Muslim hostility

If Britain's proposed laws on inciting terrorism were applied fairly, those 
who incite wars of aggression would also be in the dock

Salim Lone
Thursday September 22, 2005
The Guardian

Since the London terror attacks in July, Tony Blair has dramatically 
elevated the question of "incitement" by aggressively defining it as one of 
the root causes of extremism. Last week he took his campaign to the UN in 
New York, where his fellow heads of state unanimously approved his 
resolution calling on a ban on incitement to terrorism but - George Bush 
apart - failed to show much enthusiasm.

Despite the muted response, Blair has opened an important front in the 
struggle to suppress those who advocate terrorism. But there are serious 
concerns worldwide about the way the incitement campaign is being presented 
- specifically that it is intended to squash legitimate Muslim expression. 
As Stephen Hadley, the US national security adviser, wrote last month: 
"Muslims are the prize that the terrorists hope to claim." Blair's campaign 
is an indication that both he and the US are worried that they are losing 
the battle for the minds of the world's billion-plus Muslims, despite the 
west's huge advantage in setting its agenda.

Blair's campaign began right after July 7 with an astonishing attempt to 
silence those exploring any link between British policies in the Middle East 
and the growth of domestic Muslim militancy. Scholars and commentators 
followed the lead of Manchester University's Professor Norman Geras and 
condemned as "fellow travellers" those who sought to understand how 
British-born and -educated men could turn to terror. Such explanations 
imparted some legitimacy to terrorist acts, they argued.
In the US this campaign took a more ominous turn. Tom Friedman, a columnist 
for the New York Times, wrote that the "primary terrorism problem we face 
today can effectively be addressed only by a war of ideas within Islam". His 
solution was to support "life-affirming Muslims" through a new US state 
department "quarterly 'War of Ideas Report', which would focus on those 
religious leaders and writers who are inciting violence". Quoting James 
Rubin, the former US state department spokesman, Friedman wrote that the 
list should also include "the excuse-makers ... who come out after every 
major terrorist incident ... to explain why imperialism, Zionism, 
colonialism or Iraq explain why the terrorists acted. [The excuse-makers] 
are just one notch less despicable than the terrorists."

Few dispute the need to outlaw incitement to terrorism. But judging from the 
nature of the support Blair's initiative has received, it may threaten free 
speech, the bedrock of democracy and the rule of law. Terms such as 
"potential" and "indirect" incitement could include any advocacy of armed 
resistance. All mainstream British Muslim leaders stood with Blair in 
condemning domestic Muslim extremism in July, but many now worry about where 
this campaign and the proposed laws will lead.

In any event, the world has not yet agreed what constitutes "terrorism". the 
UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, tried to simplify matters by asserting 
that the killing of civilians was a terrorist act, but that was rightly 
rejected by the general assembly. The word "innocent", contained in the 
original draft, was left out. What about the US security firm Blackwater's 
security guards? What about armed Israeli civilians who create settlements 
on occupied Palestinian land? The kind of language proposed in the British 
legislation could easily characterise a call to resist allied occupation 
soldiers in Iraq as incitement. Is force now to be the preserve of the 

The threat posed to freedom of expression aside, it is alarming that Blair 
seems to be focusing only on Muslim actions. Indeed, writers such as 
Friedman explicitly state that it is religious figures advocating violence 
who should be exposed. The many western scholars and writers who incite 
their countries to undertake wars of aggression are not to be affected by 
anti-incitement legislation. Such incitement is more deadly due to the 
awesome destructive power of the states that are being urged, invariably, to 
attack a much weaker country.

Recall, for example, the crescendo of scholarly and media agitation in the 
US for the war against Iraq. Particularly compelling was a large 
advertisement placed by the NBC television network in newspapers, headlined: 
"Saddam: America's most dangerous enemy." The ad asserted: "Saddam Hussein 
may have enough chemical and biological weapons to kill every man, woman and 
child on earth." Mainstream US networks broadcast calls for vigorous action 
against Muslims as a way to combat terror, one recent theme being the 
bombing of selected mosques whenever a terrorist strikes in the west. Is it 
any wonder there was such popular American support for the Iraq war?

Such "incitement" is combined with outrageous attacks on Islam itself. The 
writer Oriana Fallaci recently asserted that there is no difference between 
Muslim extremists and Islam - and still had no trouble winning an audience 
with Pope Benedict. David Cameron, the rising Tory star, compared militant 
Islam to the Nazi threat in the 1930s. Bush and Blair have repeatedly 
pointed to their cultures' compassionate values, and condemned the barbarity 
of Muslim militants. Such talk offends many mainstream Muslims, not only 

As both Stephen Hadley and Thomas Friedman have asserted, these mainstream 
Muslims hold the key to winning the war against terror, since many identify 
with the causes but not the actions the militants espouse.

But nothing that the US and the UK are doing is winning over moderate Muslim 
opinion. The two leaders' refusal to countenance a speedy end to the 
occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan and the threats aimed at Iran and Syria 
are achieving the opposite - and so making it harder for Muslims to turn 
against the extremists. Blair's new militancy on the subject seems designed 
to win stronger domestic support through capitalising on genuine fears about 
terror, based on a conviction that the use of force against Muslim states 
will weaken terror.

Terrorism is a scourge and it must be fought tooth and nail. But Blair and 
Bush are seeking answers in the wrong places. The US is deeply unpopular 
internationally. Blair, who so far has been seen around the world as 
subservient to President Bush, is emerging as a tough player in his own 
right. Weakened by the Iraq war, Blair will win some temporary support 
nationally with this toughness. But he is taking his country even further 
down the road to Muslim hostility.

ยท Salim Lone is a former spokesman for the UN mission in Iraq

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