Para pendukung Intelligent Design, hingga sekarang, setahu saya,
    belum menyinggung-nyinggung Tuhan sebagai pencipta. 

    Dan mengingat bahwa begitu banyak design fault di alam semesta
    ini (kalau kita kudu gosok gigi tiap hari jelas ada desing
    fault, dan saya belum ngomong tentang tsunami dan gempa bumi)
    maka saya tidak akan bisa langsung menyalahkan orang yang bilang:
    "Oh, kalau begitu Sang Pencipta itu setan atau Iblis, yang bikin
    apa-apa juga suka salah design..." 

On 19 Nov 2005, at 23:14, indoshepherd wrote:

> Setelah American Physical Society dan National Academy of Sciences 
> melancarkan pukulan2 MAUT nya kepada kaum Kreasionis, akhirnya 
> sekarang giliran VATIKAN memberikan PUKULAN KEMATIAN (fatal blow) 
> yang mengirimkan kaum Kreasionis langsung ke LIANG KUBUR …..
> Vatikan:  Inteligent Design (ID) BUKAN science dan TIDAK BERHAK 
> DIAJARKAN disekolah2 dalam mata pelajaran science.
> Berita selengkapnya:
> Vatican: ID isn't science 
> vaticanastronomer_x.htm
> USA Today - Posted 11/18/2005 12:13 PM     Updated 11/18/2005 2:52 PM
> Vatican astronomer joins evolution debate
> Intelligent design isn't science, `though it pretends to be,' he says
> MSNBC - Updated: 6:12 p.m. ET Nov. 18, 2005
> Vatican official: 'Intelligent design' isn't science 
> VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican's chief astronomer said Friday 
> that "intelligent design" isn't science and doesn't belong in 
> science classrooms, the latest high-ranking Roman Catholic official 
> to enter the evolution debate in the United States. 
> The Rev. George Coyne, the Jesuit director of the Vatican 
> Observatory, said placing intelligent design theory alongside that 
> of evolution in school programs was "wrong" and was akin to mixing 
> apples with oranges. 
> "Intelligent design isn't science even though it pretends to be," 
> the ANSA news agency quoted Coyne as saying on the sidelines of a 
> conference in Florence. "If you want to teach it in schools, 
> intelligent design should be taught when religion or cultural 
> history is taught, not science." 
> His comments were in line with his previous statements 
> on "intelligent design" — whose supporters hold that the universe is 
> so complex that it must have been created by a higher power. 
> Proponents of intelligent design want public schools in the United 
> States to teach it as part of the science curriculum. Critics say 
> intelligent design is merely creationism — a literal reading of the 
> Bible's story of creation — camouflaged in scientific language, and 
> they say it does not belong in science curriculum. 
> In a June article in the British Catholic magazine The Tablet, Coyne 
> reaffirmed God's role in creation, but said science explains the 
> history of the universe. 
> "If they respect the results of modern science, and indeed the best 
> of modern biblical research, religious believers must move away from 
> the notion of a dictator God or a designer God, a Newtonian God who 
> made the universe as a watch that ticks along regularly." 
> Rather, he argued, God should be seen more as an encouraging parent. 
> "God in his infinite freedom continuously creates a world that 
> reflects that freedom at all levels of the evolutionary process to 
> greater and greater complexity," he wrote. "He is not continually 
> intervening, but rather allows, participates, loves." 
> The Vatican Observatory, which Coyne heads, is one of the oldest 
> astronomical research institutions in the world. It is based in the 
> papal summer residence at Castel Gandolfo south of Rome. 
> Last week, Pope Benedict XVI waded indirectly into the evolution 
> debate by saying the universe was made by an "intelligent project" 
> and criticizing those who in the name of science say its creation 
> was without direction or order. 
> Questions about the Vatican's position on evolution were raised in 
> July by Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn. 
> In a New York Times column, Schoenborn seemed to back intelligent 
> design and dismissed a 1996 statement by Pope John Paul II that 
> evolution was "more than just a hypothesis." Schoenborn said the 
> late pope's statement was "rather vague and unimportant." 
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