Seekor Muhammad ngebantai orang Kristen di muka umum dan ga ada yg
mencegah, termasuk jg polisi

Ga percuma jadi seekor Muhammad.

Pakistan: Muslim shouting that he was killing “an infidel who blasphemed
against Muhammad" murders Christian business

Police have yet to make an arrest, and witnesses have not come forward, as
they fear retribution. And that is a very reasonable fear.

"Pakistani Muslim Cites ‘Blasphemy’ in Slaughter of Christian Rival in
Business," from Morning Star
September 19:

KARACHI, Pakistan (Morning Star News) – Shouting that he was killing “an
infidel who blasphemed against Muhammad,” a Muslim in Karachi on Saturday
(Sept. 14) slit a Christian’s throat as police and others looked on,
according to the slain man’s son.

George Masih told Morning Star News that his father, 58-year-old Boota
Masih, worked as a gold scavenger in Karachi’s Liaquatabad Gold Market for
30 years, and that the Muslim who killed him also gathered gold dust from
jewellers’ rugs or work carpets at the market.

Police informed the family that a Muslim, later identified as Muhammad
Asif, had killed Boota Masih by slitting his throat with a dagger and then
stabbing him multiple times.

“*We were told that Asif kept shouting that my father was an infidel and
had spoken derogatory words against Muhammad [Islam’s prophet] as he
mercilessly stabbed him*,” Masih said. “A large number of people, including
four policemen and private security guards of the market, witnessed the
entire scene, but no one tried to stop the killer, who walked away waving
the dagger in his hand.”

A police spokesman told Morning Star News that the four policemen stationed
at the market said they were not present at the scene of the murder.

Masih said the family had registered case No. 226/13 with the Liaquatabad
Police Station, but that police were making little effort to arrest the
murderer. Liaquatabad, a bastion of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement party
accused of involvement in Karachi crime rings, is notorious for abductions,
extortion and murders/assassinations. Boota and his family live in another

“We asked everyone in the market if my father had said or done anything to
deserve such a brutal death, but not one person complained against him,” he
said. “They all said that he was a humble man and had never committed
blasphemy as alleged by the killer. But if my father was innocent, why did
the people just stand there and watch him being killed in this manner?”

He added that when police came to the murder scene, no one came forward to
record a statement.

*“Even if my father had said something to offend the killer, is this how he
should have been punished?” he said. “The entire market testifies to his
humility, but not one of them has come on the record to bear witness to the

Masih said that the police attitude had not changed, as officers had yet to
make an arrest.

“After my father’s killing in the presence of so many people, it is quite
clear that any Muslim can get away with murder just by claiming that they
had killed a blasphemer,” he said.

Liaquatabad Jewellers Association General Secretary Muhammad Faraz
indicated Boota Masih was likely killed out of jealousy.

“I was not present at the crime scene, but all of us are sure that Masih
was not a blasphemer,” Faraz said. “Asif was jealous of Masih because most
jewellers only allowed the Christian to scavenge gold particles from their
shops. He was a humble man and liked by everyone, which probably provoked
Asif to kill him. We condemn the killing of an innocent man in the name of
our Holy Prophet.”

Sub-Inspector Hamid Ali Gondal, who is investigating the case, told Morning
Star News that investigations showed that Asif had used the blasphemy
accusation against the Christian as a pretext to kill Masih.

“Asif is absconding since the murder – we have made several raids and also
taken some of his relatives into custody to pressure him into
surrendering,” he said. “Only when we arrest Asif will the real reason
behind Masih’s murder be revealed.”

Gondal denied that police were lax in pursuing the case.

“This is absolutely untrue,” he said. “We are trying our best, but you know
the law-and-order situation in Karachi. The entire police force is always
on its toes because of the bloodshed and violence in the city, but be
assured that we will arrest the killer.”

Asked why there weren’t any witnesses in the case even though the murder
was committed in the presence of a large number of people including
policemen, Gondal said it was not unusual as *people fear retribution.*

“You cannot force anyone to testify against someone,” he said. “I asked the
police guards deployed at the market, and they denied even being at the
crime scene at the time of the incident. The Sindh government recently
passed the Witness Protection Act, but you very well know that no matter
how many laws are passed, *no one can guarantee security to life and
property in our country, especially in Karachi*.”...

  Posted by Robert <> on September 21, 2013 7:43

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