Wah, ini betul2 brilyan sekali, orang2 Islam dijebak unt ke mesjid dgn
azan, lalu dibantai di mesjid.

Cuma yg ngebantai itu orang Islam jg.

Siapapun yg ngebantai, Islam agamanya, hehehe...

Nigeria: Islamic jihadists murder seven people in

Will the specter of Boko Haram murdering Muslims finally move Obama to
designate them a terrorist group? "Suspected Islamic militants lure people
to mosque, gun down 7 in northeast Nigerian uprising," from the Associated
October 7 (thanks to Twostellas):

DAMBOA, Nigeria — Witnesses say suspected Islamic militants lured the
faithful to a mosque then gunned them down.

They say the gunmen killed at least seven people before being attacked by
soldiers guarding Damboa village, 85 kilometers (50 miles) west of the
Borno state capital of Maiduguri in northeast Nigeria.

Military spokesman Capt. Aliyu Danja said troops killed 15 attackers.

*Resident Kolomi Abba said the attack comes after he formed a group of
civilian vigilantes to fight the extremists.*

He said the gunmen came around 4 a.m. Saturday and forced the muezzin to
chant the call to prayer that usually happens at 5 a.m. When villagers
arrived, the extremists opened fire.

It is the latest in a string of attacks blamed on the Boko Haram group
fighting to install an Islamic state.

  Posted by Robert <http://www.jihadwatch.org/> on October 7, 2013 12:28 PM

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