Madrasah ternyata dijadikan tempat bikin bom dan senjata. Selain madrasah,
mesjid dan pesantren itu jg suka dipakai unt tujuan yg sama.

Apa ini pelecehan agama Islam atau justru malahan penerapan ajaran Islam yg

Heheh.... ga ada seekor Islam yg berani ngejawba, bukan?

*10/08/2013 12:28*
Blast in Qur'anic school reveals bomb and weapon factory
by Sumon Corraya

The madrasah was run by Hefajat-e-Islam, an Islamic fundamentalist group
that has been very active in recent months. Amid the rubbles, police found
homemade bombs and explosive material. A 25-year-old student died as a
result of the explosion; six others were injured.

Dhaka (AsiaNews) - One person was killed and six were seriously wounded in
an explosion yesterday morning in Chittagong at a madrasah (Qur'anic
school) that belongs to *Hefajat-e-Islam*, an Islamic fundamentalist group
that is very active in Bangladesh.

According to police, the educational facility was used to manufacture bombs
and weapons. Agents found traces of explosive devices as well as three
crude bombs, more than 30 homemade grenades and 18 bottles of picric acid.

The victim, Mohammed Habib, was 25-year-old. The six people injured tried
to hide and get medical care covertly, but police found them and took them
to hospital where they are under constant watch.

Police also issued a warrant for the arrest of seven people, including
Nayeb-e-Ameer Mufti Izharul Islam Chowdhury, 70, founder of the madrassa.
He is affiliated with the Islamic militant group *Harkatul Jihad al Islami*.

According to some experts, various extremist groups plan to disrupt the
country's upcoming general election, scheduled for the end of the year.

*Hefajat-e-Islam* (Protector of Islam) is one of these many groups,
emerging in recent months from within the many madrassas that exist in

These Islamists support the *Jamaat-e-Islami* (Islamic Party) and its fight
against decisions taken by the country's war tribunals.

Since February, they have been involved in general strikes (hartal) and
violent action, generating tensions within the country despite widespread

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