Kayak ginilah iptek Islam, hehehe...

Tabari I:219 "When Allah wanted to create the creation, He brought forth
smoke from the water. The smoke hovered loftily over it. He called it
'heaven.' Then He dried out the water and made it earth. He split it and
made it seven earths on Sunday. He created the earth upon a big fish, that
being the fish mentioned in the Qur'an. By the Pen, the fish was in the
water. The water was upon the back of a small rock. The rock was on the
back of an angel. The angel was on a big rock. The big rock was in the
wind. The fish became agitated. As a result, the earth quaked, so Allah
anchored the mountains and made it stable. This is why the Qur'an says
Allah made for the earth 'firmly anchored mountains, lest it shake you up.'"

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