waduhh....belom nyampe sorga udah bikin sorga pengentotan dunia duluan negh
islam...gilee jrengggg....hahahahaha.... ini baru namanya agama untuk orang
orang berakal (kata orang islam)... aulloh ngertiin banget da ah...

On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 2:35 PM, itemabu2 <itema...@gmail.com> wrote:

> **
> Mantap, betul2 mantap. Harusnya si arra jg pergi ke Suriah, jgn cuma
> sekedar cekikikan kesenangan waktu si hasan basri bilang mau ngebuntingi
> dia.
>  Sex jihad of Tunisian girl in Syria: "They promised me paradise, so I
> gave myself to 152 
> men"<http://www.islamversuseurope.blogspot.com/2013/10/sex-jihad-of-tunisian-girl-in-syria.html>
> 04:51 | Posted by Cheradenine Zakalwe
> I've seen some reports in the mainstream media claiming the Syrian "sex
> jihad" stories are a myth. Some of the stories I've seen in the Tunisian
> press strongly suggest otherwise.
> "You will go to paradise, my sister" was the promise they made to her
> before convincing her to leave for jihad in Syria. She was 21. Veiled from
> the age of 17. She attended history classes at the Faculty of Manouba
> before abandoning her studies and leave for Syria in the company of her
> husband "orfi".
> It was in June 2012 that she left Tunisian territory for Turkey where she
> spent a week before going to Syria. Once she had arrived at Mont
> al-Arbaine, her husband forced her to wear the niqab and explained to her
> what jihad al nikah was.
> Immediately divorced, the young woman married one of the leaders of Jabhat
> al Norsra, Abou Ayoub. Whom she divorced to marry another jihadist… And
> then another and another… In total, she had 152 "husbands".
> Every week, every jihadette had the right to 5 new "husbands". The happy
> union of the jihadette du nikah and the jihadist lasted only a few hours,
> until the desires of the jihadist were satisfied…
> Source: 
> Tuniscope<http://www.tuniscope.com/index.php/article/32226/actualites/societe/djihadette-213110#.UltkDtJmhcZ>Via:
> Islamisation.fr<http://www.islamisation.fr/archive/2013/10/14/temoignage-d-une-djihadette-on-m-a-promis-le-paradis-alors-j.html>
>  Labels: sex 
> jihad<http://www.islamversuseurope.blogspot.com/search/label/sex%20jihad>,
> Syria <http://www.islamversuseurope.blogspot.com/search/label/Syria>,
> Tunisia <http://www.islamversuseurope.blogspot.com/search/label/Tunisia>

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