Ex-Mossad chief says Hamas cannot win

      By Christopher True  

Saturday 14 October 2006, 12:42 Makka Time, 9:42 GMT    

            Halevy: Europe faces profound challenges from its Muslims

Efraim Halevy was head of the Mossad, Israel's intelligence and special 
operations agency, from 1998 to 2002. On leaving he assumed the role of 
national security adviser to Ariel Sharon, Israel's former prime minister, 
resigning a year later.

He played a significant role in negotiating Israel's peace deal with King 
Hussein of Jordan, the bringing of Ethiopian Jews to Israel and Israel's 
response to the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.


In the second instalment of a two-part interview he discusses his views on 
Palestine, the Middle East road map, Hamas and Iran's nuclear programme.


Halevy is currently head of the Centre for Strategic and Policy Studies at the 
Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His book Man in the Shadows: Inside the Middle 
East Crisis with a Man who led the Mossad was published in March 2006. You have said that the world should take Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's 
desire to annihilate Israel seriously. Given the international community's 
apparent inability to agree on how to handle the situation, can you see a 
long-term failure to act ending up with the US, and perhaps Israel, taking 
military action in the form of a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities?


Efraim Halevy: I indeed think that Israel and the world as a whole should take 
the threat of President Ahmedinejad of Iran very seriously. I am gratified to 
see that this is how the world is indeed approaching this defiant position of 
Iran which is flouting international decisions, hitherto with impunity. 


I do not think that meeting threats with counter-threats is a useful way of 
making progress on this delicate issue. Iran has just suffered a very serious 
setback in Lebanon: its quarter of a century investment has been virtually 
destroyed; its proxy badly mauled; its strategic missiles supplied to the 
Hezbollah wiped out in the first 48 hours of the war; and its frantic calls for 
a ceasefire rejected until UNSC resolution 1701 was unanimously approved in the 
face of its strong objections.

There are many ways whereby Iran's designs can be foiled and Iran's responsible 
leaders would do well to ponder the results of this recent round. 


Maziar Bahari, a prominent Iranian journalist and cinema producer, writing from 
Tehran on 24th August, had this to say in the concluding lines of an article 
published in the New York Times of that day: "The bearded men in the saunas 
must be sweating more than usual, even though in public they toast Hezbollah's 
'victory' with glasses of pomegranate juice. The Islamic Republic is coming to 
the point where it has to choose: destroy itself by repeating the same slogans, 
or come up with new definitions for itself, its friends and foes." I could not 
state this in better words.

Has Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip been a success? 


I do not think that the withdrawal from Gaza has been a success. The notion 
that left to their own with all the territory of Gaza restored to the 
Palestinians, they would create a viable responsible governmental leadership 
has not come about. Instead, the Palestinians have maintained their steady 
rocket firing into Israel territory and have resorted to massive smuggling of 
tonnes of weaponry into the Gaza strip. The Hamas government is refusing to 
meet basic international standards of conduct and therefore the future is not 
at all hopeful.

Should Israel repeat the process in the West Bank?


In the light of the above, I do not think Israel should repeat the Gaza 
withdrawal in the West Bank.


You have not ruled out an accommodation with Hamas over the West Bank and say 
that Hamas is still deciding what direction it wants to take on peace talks. 
What would be your strategy if you were leading Hamas?


In recent weeks Hamas has unfortunately taken a direction that is leading to 
the possibility of renewed hostilities and confrontation. The local leadership 
has bowed to the dictates of the exile group in Damascus and, as a result, the 
unity government that Abu Mazen, the Palestinian president, has been striving 
to create has little chance of getting off the ground. Hamas has reached the 
point where it is forgoing a golden opportunity to establish itself as a 
responsible and credible leadership, and it will fail dismally in improving the 
lot of the Palestinians in the streets of Gaza, Ramallah and elsewhere. 

Hamas is rapidly reaching the stage where it will be publicly denounced as a 
failed leadership and this could spell added disaster to the Palestinian 
people. I held a minority opinion in Israel that we should try and "do 
business" with Hamas; it now appears that Hamas does not wish to act as a 
government but to continue with the "armed struggle". This struggle they cannot 
and will not win. 


You have been extremely critical of the Middle East road map, stating that it 
takes the final responsibility for a peace deal out of Israel's hands, and that 
it would involve Israel and the Palestinians moving directly to a final peace 
treaty, whereas you would prefer an interim agreement so that both two sides 
can get used to the idea of co-existence. In the long term, perhaps with 
lobbying of the US, do you feel Israel can disentangle itself from the road map?


I think that the road map has become a relic of the past. I never thought it 
was feasible and now that the Palestinian leadership is disintegrating before 
our eyes, the roadmap is finally no longer relevant. 


In the final pages of your book, you pose the possibility of an accommodation 
with Hamas and Hezbollah in which these groups could help engage and counter 
al-Qaeda. How serious are you about this?


The future of movements like Hamas and Hezbollah is unavoidably linked to the 
outcome of the third world war now raging between International Sunnite Terror 
and the world at large. This monumental struggle finds al-Qaeda in Iraq not 
only fighting against the coalition presence in Baghdad led by the United 
States of America but also against the Shia majority in that country. Al-Qaeda 
has attempted to spread its patronage over Hamas and Hezbollah and has tried to 
move into the entrails of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It has listed 
Israel as one of its targets and sees it on par with Arab "infidel" leaderships 
throughout the Middle East. 


In the depth of their hearts, the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah fully realise 
that in the designs of al-Qaeda they have no place. There can be no true 
permanent partnership between the land-based movements of Lebanon and Palestine 
and the internationally orientated movement of al-Qaeda. The Iranians 
experienced this when ten of their best intelligence officers were killed in 
Mazar-i-Sharif in northern Afghanistan in September 1998, three years before 
the September 2001 attacks, by the Taliban. Hamas and Hezbollah must know that 
as far as al-Qaeda is concerned, they are outside the camp. If they do not find 
ways of accommodating with the anti-terrorist forces of al-Qaeda, their 
ultimate fate is sealed.     

In your book you talk about an almost complete absence of professional 
initiatives from the political policy-making level and how you became more and 
more emboldened in promoting your own ideas and course of action. You state 
that you were the main driver behind the creation of an alternative leadership 
to Yasser Arafat in the Palestinian Authority, which you described as 
"certainly the first time that such a concept was proposed to the political 
level in Israel by an intelligence chief". Do you feel in a democratic society 
that it is the role of intelligence to dictate such policies?


I think that in a democratic society it is the duty of all office holders in 
government administrations to be active and productive in analysing situations 
and proposing plans of action. As stated in your question, I related in my book 
the process whereby I proposed a line of action to my political master. This is 
exactly what my duty was. It was for me to propose and for him to decide if he 
wished to adopt my ideas. There was no element of dictation here at all. 


You recently said that "by the middle of the century major cities in Germany 
will have a Muslim majority and so will many federations in Russia". What do 
you see as the potential implications of such a development? I understand you 
have made analogies with Arab-Israelis.


I see no analogy between the growing situation in Europe and that in Israel. 
There is a steady influx of Muslims from a variety of countries into Europe and 
the estimates concerning Europe are those of UN census officials. I think that 
the situation in Israel will remain stable and the Jewish majority is assured. 
I believe that the challenge that the Muslim communities in Europe will pose to 
the future of European society and culture will be profound and the leadership 
in Europe will have no escape from facing these dilemmas. I do not think it 
possible to forecast the outcome of this cultural and social confrontation. I 
have dwelt on these themes in my book.

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