I've just released version 0.8.0 of the Python client, available as usual
from PyPi.

[FEATURE] Added ASGI application (#512)
[FEATURE] Add support for parsing timestamps in Prometheus exposition
format. (#483)
[FEATURE] Add target_info to registries (#453)
[ENHANCEMENT] Handle empty and slashes in label values for pushgateway
(#547 #442)
[ENHANCEMENT] Various updates for latest OpenMetrics draft spec (#434 #445
#538 #460 #496)
[ENHANCEMENT] Add HELP output for auto-created metrics (#471)
[ENHANCEMENT] Use mmap.PAGESIZE constant as value for first read. (#505)
[ENHANCEMENT] Add __repr__ method to metric objects, make them debug
friendly. (#481)
[ENHANCEMENT] Add observability check to metrics (#455 #520)
[BUGFIX] Fix urlparse in python >= 3.7.6 (#497)
[BUGFIX] Cleaning up name before appending unit on name (#543)
[BUGFIX] Allow for OSError on Google App Engine (#448)

Brian Brazil

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