Hello Prometheans,

We're pleased to announce that Alertmanager v0.24.0 is now available
from the GitHub release page [1] or from your favorite container
registry (Docker Hub or Quay).


[CHANGE] Add the /api/v2 prefix to all endpoints in the OpenAPI
specification and generated client code. #2696
[CHANGE] Remove the github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/client Go package. #2763
[FEATURE] Add --cluster.tls-config experimental flag to secure cluster
traffic via mutual TLS. #2237
[FEATURE] Add support for active time intervals. Active and mute time
intervals should be defined via time_intervals rather than
mute_time_intervals (the latter is deprecated but it will be supported
until v1.0). #2779
[FEATURE] Add Telegram integration. #2827
[ENHANCEMENT] Add update_alerts field to the OpsGenie configuration to
update message and description when sending alerts. #2519
--cluster.allow-insecure-public-advertise-address-discovery feature
flag to enable discovery and use of public IP addresses for
clustering. #2719
[ENHANCEMENT] Add entity and actions fields to the OpsGenie configuration. #2753
[ENHANCEMENT] Add opsgenie_api_key_file field to the global configuration. #2728
[ENHANCEMENT] Add support for teams responders to the OpsGenie
configuration. #2685
[ENHANCEMENT] Add the User-Agent header to all notification requests. #2730
[ENHANCEMENT] Re-enable HTTP/2. #2720
[ENHANCEMENT] web: Add support for security-related HTTP headers. #2759
[ENHANCEMENT] amtool: Allow filtering of silences by createdBy author. #2718
[ENHANCEMENT] amtool: add --http.config.file flag to configure HTTP
settings. #2764
[BUGFIX] Fix HTTP client configuration for the SNS receiver. #2706
[BUGFIX] Fix unclosed file descriptor after reading the silences
snapshot file. #2710
[BUGFIX] Fix field names for mute_time_intervals in JSON marshaling. #2765
[BUGFIX] Ensure that the root route doesn't have any matchers. #2780
[BUGFIX] Truncate the message's title to 1024 chars to avoid hitting
Slack limits. #2774
[BUGFIX] Fix the default HTML email template (email.default.html) to
match with the canonical source. #2798
[BUGFIX] Detect SNS FIFO topic based on the rendered value. #2819
[BUGFIX] Avoid deleting and recreating a silence when an update is
possible. #2816
[BUGFIX] api/v2: Return 200 OK when deleting an expired silence. #2817
[BUGFIX] amtool: Fix the silence's end date when adding a silence. The
end date is (start date + duration) while it used to be (current time
+ duration). The new behavior is consistent with the update operation.

[1] https://github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/releases/tag/v0.24.0

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