*The Prometheus Java client 1.0.0 is available!* 

The Prometheus Java client 1.0.0 release is a complete rewrite of the 
underlying data model.

The main new features are:

   - *Prometheus native histograms:* Support for the new Prometheus 
   histogram type.
   - *OpenTelemetry Exporter:* Push metrics in OTLP format to an 
   OpenTelemetry endpoint.
   - *Runtime configuration:* Configure metrics, exporters, and more at 
   runtime using a properties file or system properties.

*Documentation and Examples*

We launched a new documentation page on 
https://prometheus.github.io/client_java/, and created an examples/ 
<https://github.com/prometheus/client_java/tree/main/examples> directory 
with end-to-end scenarios (Docker compose) illustrating new features.

*Performance Benchmarks*

Initial performance benchmarks are looking great: All core metric types 
(including native histograms) allow concurrent updates, so if you 
instrument a performance critical Web service that utilizes all processor 
cores in parallel the metrics library will not introduce additional 
synchronization. See Javadoc comments in benchmarks/ 
<https://github.com/prometheus/client_java/tree/main/benchmarks> for 
benchmark results.

*More Info*

The Grafana Labs Blog has a post Introducing the Prometheus Java Client 
with a good overview of the release.

There will also be a presentation at the PromCon <https://promcon.io> 
conference on 29 Sep 2023. Tune in to the live stream on https://promcon.io 
or watch the recording on YouTube.

*For users of the 0.16.0 version and older*

Updating to the 1.0.0 version is a breaking change. However, there's a 
prometheus-metrics-simpleclient-bridge module available that allows you to 
use your existing simpleclient 0.16.0 metrics with the new 1.0.0 
PrometheusRegistry. So you don't need to upgrade your instrumentation code, 
you can keep using your existing metrics. See the simpleclient 
<https://prometheus.github.io/client_java/migration/simpleclient/> section 
on the new docs page.

The pre 1.0.0 code is now maintained on the simpleclient 
<https://github.com/prometheus/client_java/tree/simpleclient> feature 

Not all simpleclient modules from 0.16.0 are included in the initial 1.0.0 
release. Over the next couple of weeks we will work on porting the 
remaining modules, starting with pushgateway and the Servlet filter.


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