Dear Prometheans,

It has been a while, so I decided to cut a new release of the Pushgateway:
v1.7.0 <>.
It’s light on features, merely improving the UI experience by keeping the
state of expanding the accordion displaying pushed metrics after a page

The release is built with the current Go release v1.21.6 and has updated
dependencies. This will appease so-called security scanners, but note that
no relevance of any security issue was reported for the Pushgateway.

Take care!
1.7.0 / 2024-01-18

   - [FEATURE] UI: Keep expansion state on page refresh. #581
   - [SECURITY] Build precompiled binaries with Go v1.21.6 to avoid
   security issues with previous Go releases.
   - [BUGFIX] Update dependencies to pull in possibly relevant bugfixes.

Björn Rabenstein
[PGP-ID] 0x851C3DA17D748D03

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