
I am getting started on "*Solution to Problem 1:*". I will share the PR 
here once it's ready for review.


On Wednesday, 30 March 2022 at 13:38:01 UTC+5:30 Ganesh Vernekar wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I have come across hosted metrics providers (including Grafana Cloud that 
> I am personally looking at) facing issues in being compliant with alert 
> delivery. Here are the main problems that I identify:
> *Problem 1:* They have some kind of embedded alert routing mechanism 
> ("alertmanager") which you cannot bypass to send directly to external 
> alertmanagers. Allowing external alertmanagers is not trivial and also has 
> security implications. *So the alert payload that it sends might not 
> exactly match what the test suite is expecting.*
> *Problem 2:* Related to the above, the alert routing mechanism *can add 
> unwanted delays in sending alerts or reflecting the changes in the alert 
> annotations.*
> Here is what I am proposing for the above problems:
> *Solution to Problem 1:* Allow cloud providers to have custom unmarshal 
> logic for the alert payload embedded in the test suite. For example, 
> currently we require the alert payload to be directly unmarshalled into 
> []notifier.Alert here 
> <https://github.com/prometheus/compliance/blob/c7c726de89973d77cb491faa1b32cfddf7dcde8a/alert_generator/server.go#L91>.
> But now we can allow embedding of custom unmarshalling logic such that at 
> the end of the custom logic, it provides *[]notifier.Alert* as the result 
> to the test suite to verify.
> *Solution to Problem 2:* It is in the hands of cloud providers to take 
> care of it, to allow forwarding of the alerts to the end receiver with 
> minimal delays and to forward all the alerts. For those who use upstream 
> Prometheus Alertmanager, we need support from upstream since Prometheus 
> Alertmanager does not allow forwarding of all alerts that it gets. For that 
> I have requested a feature here 
> <https://github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/issues/2868>.
> Please let me know if you have any better suggestions and/or any 
> objections to the proposed solutions and/or +1 to the proposed solutions.
> Thanks,
> Ganesh

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