Update on the alert generator compliance:

Some vendors cannot expose some of the APIs required by the Prometheus 
alert generator compliance test suite.

*We modified the test suite so it can be run by vendors themselves and 
submit results to Prometheus/CNCF. *CNCF will contractually protect against 
submitting wrong results on purpose.

If there are any questions, please feel free to ask in this thread.

Jean-Philippe Quéméner (johnnyqqqq)

On Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at 8:25:24 AM UTC+1 ganes...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hello Sysdig team,
> I hope this email finds you well.
> As a part of Prometheus conformance program 
> <https://github.com/cncf/prometheus-conformance>, we had floated a doc on 
> "Prometheus Alert-Generator Compliance" many months ago and had finalized 
> the specification for that (see here 
> <https://github.com/prometheus/compliance/blob/main/alert_generator/specification.md>
> ).
> The test suite to test the specification is now ready and instructions on 
> how to run the test suite are present here 
> <https://github.com/prometheus/compliance/blob/main/alert_generator/README.md>
> .
> If you wish Sysdig to be compliant with Prometheus Alert-Generator, please 
> test your software with the above test suite and report back the results by 
> replying to this thread (results being the entire log output of the test 
> run).
> If you do need any additional help from the test suite (for example 
> setting custom headers to some requests), please let me know and I will add 
> those abilities to the test suite.
> Going forward, we would like to automate this process. We ask you to add 
> your test-suite config template by opening a PR against 
> prometheus/compliance <https://github.com/prometheus/compliance/> and 
> create test-sysdig.yaml in the alert_generator directory. See test-.*.yaml
>  files here 
> <https://github.com/prometheus/compliance/tree/main/alert_generator> for 
> example. Please also add instructions on how to set up as comments in the 
> same file.
> If you face issues in running the test suite or understanding any error 
> messages, I am happy to answer your queries.
> We plan to publish the results during the third week of May 2022 (during 
> KubeCon EU).
> Thanks,
> Ganesh
> (codesome)
> Prometheus team

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