
On 8/21/20 10:59 AM, Venkata Bhagavatula wrote:
> In the https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/2.20/storage/ link,
> Following is mentioned regarding retention.size
> |--storage.tsdb.retention.size|: [EXPERIMENTAL] This determines the
> maximum number of bytes that storage blocks can use (note that this does
> not include the WAL size, which can be substantial). The oldest data
> will be removed first. Defaults to |0| or disabled. This flag is
> experimental and can be changed in future releases. Units supported: B,
> KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB. Ex: "512MB" 
> But where in Release notes of 2.15.0, see that it is mentioned that
> retention.size includes wal also. 
> [ENHANCEMENT] TSDB: WAL size is now used for size based retention
> calculation. #5886 
> Does documentation needs correction? 

Yes, well spotted, I would assume the same. I guess a Pull Request would
be welcome. :)

I think this would be the repo/file to target:

Kind regards,

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