Thanks Brian. I am using loki for storing the logs. But as every 
microservice is logging in a different format, its difficult for me to get 
the trace id. So I am printing the istio-proxy logs in json format and 
deriving the metrics using the Loki Recording rules. I am able to calculate 
rate of REST requests. But not able to calculate the duration of the 

- record: app:requests:rate5m
expr: 'sum(rate({container="istio-proxy"} | json | 
by (app,path,response_code)'
cluster: dev
region: ap-south-1
On Tuesday, 5 October, 2021 at 2:20:16 pm UTC+5:30 Brian Candler wrote:

> With prometheus you can't have the exact duration of an individual request 
> as a label, like "9.234" for example, because every single request would 
> have a different duration, and hence a different timeseries, and you'd have 
> an explosion of timeseries.
> The way to get an accurate average (mean) is to expose two metrics: the 
> *number of requests* and the *total time servicing requests*.  That is, for 
> each request you add 1 to the request counter, and the duration of that 
> request to the total time counter.  Then it's easy to calculate the average 
> request duration over the time window of interest.
> Another approach is to group requests into a fixed set of buckets, and the 
> way to do that with prometheus is as histograms.  Once you have histograms, 
> then there are functions which act over that.
> From this you can estimate quantiles (e.g. "50% of requests were serviced 
> in less than 3.4 seconds").  From one set of buckets you can query 
> arbitrary quantiles, but the errors will depend on the sizes of the buckets.
> As an alternative to histograms there are also "summaries" which are for 
> when you have fixed quantiles that you want to calculate (e.g. the 95th 
> percentile) more accurately than can be derived from histogram buckets.  
> These tend to be for more specialised applications.
> Finally, if you still do want to log the exact duration of each and every 
> request, then you should be using a logging system (like loki or 
> elasticsearch), not prometheus.
> On Tuesday, 5 October 2021 at 09:13:27 UTC+1 wrote:
>> For one of the scenarios, I am getting the duration of http call as a 
>> label. So, how can I aggregate it to get the average duration. For ex:
>> http_call{path="/example",method="GET",duration=10,app="my-app"} 1
>> The value is always 1, but the labels change. How can I get the avg 
>> duration of the calls that were processed in a minute?

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