ts=2022-10-12T07:19:32.017Z caller=main.go:315 level=warn msg="Error 
sending samples to remote storage" err="json: cannot unmarshal object into 
Go value of type int" storage=opentsdb num_samples=100
ts=2022-10-12T07:19:32.017Z caller=main.go:315 level=warn msg="Error 
sending samples to remote storage" err="json: cannot unmarshal object into 
Go value of type int" storage=opentsdb num_samples=100
ts=2022-10-12T07:19:32.025Z caller=main.go:315 level=warn msg="Error 
sending samples to remote storage" err="json: cannot unmarshal object into 
Go value of type int" storage=opentsdb num_samples=100

Same issues met for me.

在2020年9月16日星期三 UTC+8 02:51:33<Brett> 写道:

> I'm trying to get the example 
> <https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/tree/master/documentation/examples/remote_storage/remote_storage_adapter>
> storage adapter for opentsdb to work. I have prometheus sending data to an 
> AWS instance running the remote_storage_adapter binary, and also running an 
> opentsdb server. 
> I'm running opentsdb with this:
> docker run -d -p 4242:4242 -v 
> $(pwd)/opentsdb.conf:/etc/opentsdb/opentsdb.conf petergrace/opentsdb-docker
> I'm running the remote storage adapter with this:
> ./remote_storage_adapter --web.listen-address=":80" --opentsdb-url="
> http://localhost:4242/"; --log.level=debug
> The config file is:
> tsd.network.port = 4242
> tsd.http.staticroot = /usr/local/share/opentsdb/static/
> tsd.http.cachedir = /tmp/opentsdb
> tsd.core.plugin_path = /opentsdb-plugins
> tsd.core.auto_create_metrics = true
> tsd.http.request.enable_chunked = true
> tsd.http.request.max_chunk = 65535
> I'm not getting anything in opentsdb so I looked at the 
> remote_storage_adapter logs, and I see this error repeated:
> level=warn ts=2020-09-15T16:53:56.596Z caller=main.go:330 msg="Error 
> sending samples to remote storage" err="json: cannot unmarshal object into 
> Go value of type int" storage=opentsdb num_samples=100
> I did a packet capture and it looks like I'm getting a response from 
> opentsdb 
> HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
> Does anyone have any ideas?

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