You need to read the Prometheus HTTP API documentation 
<>, then get it 
to work using curl, before you write your Python version.

Your first problem is that you are querying the '/metrics' endpoint of 
prometheus.  That only gives you metrics about prometheus itself - internal 
information about the performance of its time series database for example.  
There is a separate endpoint for querying metrics data which is stored in 
the database.

To check for "unreachable instances", I suggest you start with a simple 
query like up==0.  Do this using an instant query 

*curl -gsS 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query?query=up==0'*

You can then make this query more sophisticated to meet your requirements, 
and when you're happy with it, convert into Python.

Your second problem is that you are putting nonsense in your queries like 
"$unreachbale_instance" [sic] and "$interval".  I am guessing you've been 
doing stuff like this in Grafana?  But Grafana substitutes these 
placeholders with real values *before* sending the query to Prometheus' 
API.  If prometheus sees these $ values then it will treat them literally 
as those strings, and in particular "$interval" is not a valid value for a 
vector selector 
To see what syntax is allowed in a query, read the query documentation 
<>, and test 
your queries out in the Prometheus web interface.

I note that you have calculated a suitable value and stored it in a python 

    duration = '[' + str( + 'd]'

... but you have not actually used this value in your query anywhere.

On Monday, 7 November 2022 at 10:11:10 UTC wrote:

> Hello All,
> I want to write Prometheus query in python. I want to store the output of 
> unreachable instances in a variable.
> I found one blog where we can fetch all metrics. But I want to write 
> query, but I am not able to write. Could you please help me out?
> I want to write a query to find the unreachable servers in python.
> Here is the code which I found:
> import datetime
> import time
> import requests  
> PROMETHEUS = 'http://localhost:9090/'
> end_of_month =
> last_day = end_of_month - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
> duration = '[' + str( + 'd]'
> response = requests.get(PROMETHEUS + '/metrics',
>   params={
>     'query': 
> 'max_over_time(up{instance=~"$unreachbale_instance",job="node_exporter"}[$interval])
> $reachability and up',
>     'time': time.mktime(end_of_month.timetuple())})
> results = response.json()['data']['result']
> print('{:%B %Y}:'.format(last_day))
> for result in results:
>   print(' {metric}: {value[1]}'.format(**result))
> could anyone please help me?
> Thanks & regards,
> Bharath Kumar.

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