I am trying to bypass tls cert verification for a target fetched by 
querying consul.

- job_name: "grafana"
- server: "consul.service.consul:8500"
- grafana
scheme: https
insecure_skip_verify: true
- source_labels: [__meta_consul_node]
target_label: hostname
- target_label: __scheme__
replacement: https

The 'insecure_skip_verify' part only seems to be used for accessing consul. 
But since grafana is running using a self-signed cert as well, I was hoping 
that its certificate would also not be verified.

But I keep getting this error suggesting that the final target is still 
getting its cert verified.

May 02 00:00:43 isengard prometheus[53817]: ts=2023-05-02T04:00:43.400Z 
caller=scrape.go:1353 level=debug component="scrape manager" 
scrape_pool=grafana target= msg="Scrape 
failed" err="Get \"https://192.168.1.xx:3001/metrics\": x509: certificate 
is valid for, not 192.168.1.xx"

Is there a way to bypass tls cert verification for the final target? Any 
suitable annotation that I can relabel?

I am using Prometheus 2.43.0.


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