Hello Everyone,

I'm trying to "secure" a bit the BlackBox exporter site running on 
http:\\localhost:9115 using basic authentication, or whatever is available. 
I'm not able to find any info on doing this. Hoping someone can point me in 
the right direction.

I have successfully done this for hosts using Windows Exporter.
I added the following to the web.yml on the Windows Exporter host.

*basic_auth_users:    admin: bcryptpassword *

and added the creds to the job in prometheus.yml on Prometheus server. 

*- job_name: "server1"*

*    static_configs:      - targets: ["server1:9182"]    basic_auth:      
username: 'admin'      password: ' secure'*

It works for Windows Exporter. 
Can't figure out how to do the same for Blackbox Exporter. 

Any ideas? Thanks in advance. 

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