*Dear Webmaster,*
*GoRecroot *is an intelligent, global, multiple sector, jobs to resume
sourcing and mapping engine. GoRecroot's multi dimensional, multi media
(images, voice, video and text-data) and mobile enabled.

Powered by custom algorithms and cognitive search sciences, GoRecroot brings
the recrooters (recruiters) and the jobbers (job seekers) to actionable
results in short spans of time and exponential savings.

GoRecroot has specialized feature sets for:
1. Recruiters, placement consultants, Corporate HR, staffing agencies
2. Job seekers, candidates, job applicants – Jobbers
3. HR branding specialized web products - for corporates, recrooters,
4. Job position and resume referrers – agents

What is in it for me – *the Recrooter?* *(Recruiters)*

   - Sign up in 10 seconds – FREE
   - Job order posting in 30 seconds - FREE
   - *Walk in <http://www.gorecroot.com/walk-in.aspx>* posting – Fast,
   Easy and FREE
   - Intelli*Fit* jobs to resume, sourcing and mapping
   - Fast, Easy and Effective: job order creation wizard
   - Job advertisement
<http://www.gorecroot.com/job-postings.aspx>products for talent
sourcing – easy micro payments
   - Revolutionary web partnership – global recruiting
   - Generate revenue from your resume archives
   - Photo, audio, video – know your target jobber better
   - Mobile – comprehensive business features, SMS on the go
   - Interview scheduling and contact management tool kit
   - Recrooter contest, fabulous prizes
   - Progressive community for business collaboration
   - Membership and reward points
   - Coming soon - Events, Contests, Business networking

Contact us at http://www.gorecroot.com

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