Thank you Rob, I just tried this and it works perfectly!
It is a testament to the quality of the design of ProofPower that it is so
versatile and adaptable.
I see you got QCheck to work too; It looks very promising to create unit
tests easily.
I hadn't known that you could choose to run different interpreters in xpp!
Great program; I will use it this next semester in my computer science
I am not sure how far I can get with "proofs" for the beginning intro to cs
but at the very least, I can use it to introduce literate, functional

 I used Object-Z in my OOP classes last semester using this tool:
quote from Kenny Hunt (

Toze: The Object Z EditorI have worked with Kasi Periyasamy and Tim Parker
to develop a graphical editor for Object Z specifications.
The application is rolled into a single executable jar file.
Download the toze-2.0.2.jar file and then double-click on it once you've
got it on your desktop.
It was fairly successful for most students, and demonstrated the value of
unambiguous specifications. I am hoping to use zed within ProofPower for
similar reasons if I can get up to speed on it soon enough.

-Dave Topham  (

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 9:00 AM, <> wrote:

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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: Can QCheck work in xpp? (Rob Arthan)
>    2. Re: Can QCheck work in xpp? (Rob Arthan)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 15:16:53 +0000
> From: Rob Arthan <>
> To: ProofPower List <>
> Cc: David Topham <>
> Subject: Re: [ProofPower] Can QCheck work in xpp?
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
> David,
> On 28 Dec 2014, at 05:08, David Topham <> wrote:
> > I am not sure if this is a bug in xpp or if it is a user (me!) error,
> but I am trying to use a unit test framework named QCheck within xpp and it
> fails. I have attached the doc file and the sml and pdf file produced via
> docsml. In the files, I have shown where the error occurs. Since it works
> ok in poly, then I expected it to also work within xpp so I am asking if
> anyone has tried this; or sees why it may not work as I expect.
> >
> The problem is not with xpp but with the extensions to Standard ML that
> ProofPower uses
> to provide object language quotations and support an extended character
> set for use in forming
> ML names (so we can use mathematical symbols to form ML names). The
> extended language is
> called ProofPower-ML. When you run xpp with a command line something like:
>         xpp -d hol
> or
>         xpp UT.doc -d zed
> xpp just spawns a process running the command ?pp -d hol? or ?pp -d zed?
> which invokes
> a session on the hol or zed database and communicates with that process
> via a
> UN*X pseudo-terminal. Unless you do something special, ?pp -d XYZ? will
> run the ProofPower-ML read-eval-print loop. ProofPower-ML is implemented by
> a pre-processor that encodes it into ASCII Standard ML  and a
> post-processor
> that converts the ASCII output from the ML compiler?s eval-print function
> into the extended character set.
> Your problem is then occurring because we use ?Q? to encode
> non-ASCII characters, ?Q? itself being encoded as ?QQQQ?. So somewhat
> bizarrely, you will find that:
>         size ?QCheck?
> evaluates to 9 in ProofPower-ML. PolyML.make expects a Standard ML
> string, rather than a ProofPower-ML string, so it can?t find the file and
> raises an error.
> If you just want to use xpp as a user interface to Poly/ML and you don?t
> want
> the ProofPower specification and theorem-proving tools, then you can
> ask xpp to run a different command line. E.g.,
>         xpp -c poly
> or
>         xpp -f UT.doc -c poly
> will bring up xpp talking to a poly session (and editing a new empty file
> in the first case and the file UT.doc in the second). (Note that for
> not very good reasons, the command line requires -f before the
> name of the file to edit when you use -c.)
> (You can actually change the command line within one xpp session if  you
> like using Tools/Options, but I don?t think you are likely to want that.)
> If you want the ProofPower tools, then you can reverse the encoding
> using the function translate_for_output:
>         PolyML.make(translate_for_output ?QCheck?);
> or you can switch between ProofPower-ML and Standard ML using
> the commands abandon_reader_writer() (ProofPower-ML -> Standard ML)
> and use_terminal() (Standard ML -> ProofPower-ML).
> However, I don?t get much further with QCheck. Even when I try to load
> it directly from poly, I get the following error message:
> > PolyML.make "QCheck";
> Making QCheck
> Making QCheckVersion
> Created structure QCheckVersion
> structure QCheckVersion :
>   sig val context : string val version : int * int end
> Error- in 'QCheck.sml', line 14.
> Structure (RandGen) has not been declared Found near RandGen
> Did you have to do something else to QCheck to get it to work?
> Regards,
> Rob.
> -------------- next part --------------
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> >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 16:04:26 +0000
> From: Rob Arthan <>
> To: ProofPower List <>
> Cc: David Topham <>
> Subject: Re: [ProofPower] Can QCheck work in xpp?
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
> On 29 Dec 2014, at 15:16, Rob Arthan <> wrote:
> > David,
> >
> > On 28 Dec 2014, at 05:08, David Topham <> wrote:
> > ...However, I don?t get much further with QCheck. Even when I try to load
> > it directly from poly, I get the following error message:
> >
> > > PolyML.make "QCheck";
> > Making QCheck
> > Making QCheckVersion
> > Created structure QCheckVersion
> > structure QCheckVersion :
> >   sig val context : string val version : int * int end
> > Error- in 'QCheck.sml', line 14.
> > Structure (RandGen) has not been declared Found near RandGen
> >
> > Did you have to do something else to QCheck to get it to work?
> I don?t know what was going on here. The above error occurred repeatedly
> before I made this posting but I can no longer reproduce it. Here, for
> the record, is ProofPower-ML code to build QCheck and run David?s
> example:
> OS.FileSys.chDir "/Users/rda/bld/qcheck/qcheck-1.0/src?; (* change as
> appropriate *)
> structure PPList = List;
> structure List = SML97BasisLibrary.List;
> PolyML.make (translate_for_output "QCheck");  (* or PolyML.make
> "%Q%Check"; *)
> open %Q%Check;
> fun checkSum n = n = n ;
> val int = (, SOME Int.toString) ;
> checkGen int ("unit test", pred checkSum) ;
> In the above ?%Q%? lets you generate something whose underlying Standard ML
> representation is single Q. The only additional wrinkle is that ProofPower
> overwrites the Basis Library binding for the structure List, but it also
> keeps
> a copy of the original so you can get it back again if you need it
> Regards,
> Rob.
> -------------- next part --------------
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