> Does anyone know if the new DXP software is going to allow PIN SWAPPING or
> GATE SWAPPING? Its a feature that I think Protel ought to be able to do...
> have not been able to do that yet with the software... Anyone have a 3rd
> party solution?
> Bill Brooks

I haven't spent any time on it recently, but I have spent a bit of time
attempting to implement a "2.8" type of pin-swapping Process. With my
efforts to date, things didn't work too well when one of the pads had no net
assigned previously, and even when that wasn't the case, not all aspects of
the netlisting updated properly.

I wouldn't fully discount the possibility that DXP might provide a pin
swapping feature, but I do regard it as unlikely. My impression is that the
"Protel way" regards swapping pins in the PCB file as being arse-about-face;
the "correct" way is to manually swap connections in the schematic file, and
then do a netlist update operation so that the PCB file then "knows" that
the two pads concerned are to have their (previous) net assignments toggled.

Geoff Harland.
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