aurul ramane la pret ridicat,mai ales ca se continua criza

nu cred ca se va prabusi pretul metalului galben!

isa da, sunt convins ca a avut dreptate Petru K, dupa bula imobilizara si 
tzeapa cu cianrui, alti baieti pregatesc o bula a mineritului

in fond si canadienii de la Gold COrpration au procedat asa, au facut 
escrocherie cu actiuni la o mina de aur ce NU EXISTA ...

From: Vasile Anghel 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 8:17 PM
Subject: [protest-ro] Re: [apuseni] dupa bula imobiliara, bula zacamintelor

  Apropo de "bule": se pare ca aceea a aurului chiar se va sparge :D            

We have often seen requests to show the price of gold going back as long as 
possible. Tonight we can oblige, with a gold price chart, indexed in 2010 
British Pounds, going all the way back to 1265. To the surprise of many, the 
early 1980s gold price surge is not the only time in history when gold exploded 
as America's game with inflation was almost lost. It appears that based on the 
surge in gold back in the late 15th century, there was actually quite a serious 
need for Columbus to go forth and find a source of gold, because last we 
checked Ferdinand and Isabella did not have Bernanke's money printers back 
then. And yes, as Goldman says, there were no ETFs back in the 16th century to 
draw demand away from the real deal and into make believe exposure.             


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