Hi Myrna,

Myrna Sastre wrote:

> I have been trying to download LaTex for windows and I choose "download
> the self-extracting image", which i think will be the easiest way to get
> it.


> The problem is that i have tried a couple of times already and it
> is taking at least 7 hours to get to the 22% of the download process,
> after which - for the kind of internet connection that i have-  i have
> got disconnected so the process is interrupted and I have to start all
> over again, but is the same history.   Do you know if the downloading
> process takes really that much time? or if there is some other way to
> get the software?  Probably I am doing something wrong or choosing the
> wrong path…

I really don't think you've choosed the wrong path. The self-extracting
image is about 450 MB big, so if you're connected to the internet by a
slow connection (like Modem) it can really be a hard job to do a
download. In other words: Downloading only makes sense in case you have
a DSL connection or a high broadband width.

Some TeX User's group offer ProTeXt on DVD/CD for a small amount (BTW:
Karl, can people get ProTeXt from TuG this way?), perhaps this is an
opportunity you might follow.

Regards - Thomas

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