
My goal is to install ProTeXt on a new PC. I've used over the years several versions of LaTeX systems including the 2008 version of ProTeXt/MikTex with WinEdt as the "console".

On my new machine I have just downloaded and installed the new version of ProTeXt and have been following the directions given in "The Quickest Way to a TeX System". On page 9 section 1.5.4 there are remarks about adding an already present Local TEXMF tree (normally in C:\localtexmf) to the
MikTeX search path using the Roots tab.

I am a little confused. My questions are:
1. In the Roots screen, do I want to click yes on the button to show the maintained root directories? 2. I can't find C:\localtexmf, but there is already a folder C:Local Tex Files which has an existing localtexmf-like structure. Is the latter folder a synonym or a replacement for the former folder?
Is there some possible naming conflict?

Any clarification will be greatly appreciated.

Neil Gretsky


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