
Neil Gretsky schrieb:
I have used BibDb and WinBibDb for years. I have just gotten a new machine and have downloaded the new versions of ProTeXt and WinEdt. After some minor adjustments all is running well. However, when I downloaded the WinBibDb package from CTAN and attempted to install, I was given a message that the
program was not compatible with Windows 7.

My questions:
(i) Is this incompatibility unfixable?
(ii) If it is unfixable, are there any other comparable programs?

I did do some web-browsing and google-asking, but could not find any
applicable answers.

while BibDb isn't part of the ProTeXt-collection, it might be better to ask the author directly. Have a look inside the READE, and you should find

Contacting the author:

For information, bug reports, suggestions, or plain gossip, I can be reached at


Perhaps he'll know a solution.

Regards - Thomas


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