On 1/15/2011 6:41 AM, Nate Knight wrote:
> On Jan 14, 2011, at 12:29 PM, Nate Knight wrote:
>> I've pasted some code below where I am trying to transform expressions of 
>> the form
>> (a op b op c)[i] 
>> to 
>> (a[i] op b[i] op c[i])
>> I managed to get this to work for the simple case
>> (a+b)[i]
>> but I'm curious about how to generalize this to include other operators 
>> (without explicitly handling them all).  Also, as written the transform 
>> doesn't recurse properly, and I'm having some trouble seeing how to correct 
>> this.

This is a fun little problem. The answer is very simple, but requires
some knowledge of proto's pass_through transform, possessed by
proto::nary_expr (and friends):

// Take any expression and turn each node
// into a subscript expression, using the
// state as the RHS.
struct Distribute
  : or_<
        when<terminal<_>, _make_subscript(_, _state)>
      , nary_expr<_, vararg<Distribute> >

struct Vectorize
  : or_<
      , when<subscript<_, _>, Distribute(_left, _right)>
      , nary_expr<_, vararg<Vectorize> >

int main()
    terminal<char const *>::type a = {"a"};
    terminal<char const *>::type b = {"b"};
    terminal<char const *>::type c = {"c"};
    terminal<int>::type i = {42};

    display_expr( (a+b+c)[i] );

    display_expr( Vectorize()((a+b+c)[i]) );


Eric Niebler
BoostPro Computing
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