On 14/03/11 04:49, Eric Niebler wrote:
Exciting stuff! Truly Christophe, your ideas re decltype and EDSLs in
C++ are revolutionary. But unfortunately, I fear it will require a
revolution. This is all do-able, but the changes to MPL, Proto and even
to Phoenix in the case of the lambda capture stuff would require
breaking API changes.

The main problem is that we still segregate type operations from their runtime counterpart,
this leads me to ...

As for MPL and Proto, someone needs to sit down and do some hard
thinking about what meta-programming will look like in C++0x. I suspect
it'll look less like today's MPL and Proto, and much more like what you
envision. It's a huge opportunity for someone to do some really
ground-breaking work.

.. the talk from Matt Calabrese last year at boostcon with the MPL/Fusion hybrid using decltype and auto. I think this is an interesting venture all in all and should
be extended.

I have the same kind of ideas Christophe plus a few other (including a real meta-DAG structure).
Maybe we should get Matt in our boat and try hammering stuff ?
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